Doki Doki Kateihoumou (“Dokidoki Home Visit”) [English], by Isorashi

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

It's a booby trap. A honey trap. Yep =)

Hook, line, and sinker, lol. A young male highschool teacher visits a mother-and-daughter household and, after nice light comedy (I giggled, hard, several times :lol: ), a pleasant threesome party begins.
The black bar censorship, although seriously annoying, can’t stop the drawings from being arousing as fuck, and the women’s faces, YUM ! :twisted:

As for the ending of the story, I’m ready to bet you can already predict the unescapable conclusion…
My great thanks, for this release, are for Rinruririn, Psyburn21, Wavedash, Axalon, HurpDurp and MTShoes, from Funeral Of Smiles and Rinrurin Translations ! :jap:

By the same artist, under the names Isorashi and Igarashi Shouno, I also share Ooo-zuki Na Boku No Yome Ga Onna Kyoushi Na Ke (201 pictures), Saikyou Hikikomori Onzoushi No Torokeru Konkatsu Harem (215 pictures), Itazura Temancho (“Finger-bang Mischief”, 194 pictures), Sex Omiai, Marriage China, Chiharu No Fuwari, Koisuru Hot Pants and the uncensored version of Bath Secret (extremely good graphically, boring incest scenario).

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10 years ago

Oh man!!! There's nothing better then a hot mother and daughter tag team with big boobs!!!:p

10 years ago

It's a trap! Though I wouldn't mind stepping in it…