Three Switch [English, Uncensored !], by Kitani Sai

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 8 comments
Tags: Anal

After the tip, comes the dick.

RHA, that one was nice :twisted:
A highschool boy is publically shamed for loving anal (and everyone hypocritically goes booing him, laughing when they meet him, and all). Fortunately, an anonymous girl who heard the news starts texting him to tell she also fantasizes on anal, sexy pics start flowing over, until, at last, they agree on a meeting, to make it real. As a story, there are no plot twists or interesting things, but it had a kinda nice “flow”.

On top of all, visually, DAYUM ! The panel composition was lively and good (the things that we don’t really see still matter…), the art was polished, and the anal sex was FULLY UNCENSORED, FUCK YEAH !!! :twisted:

Credits and heavy thanks are for Battousai124 (who gave me the link in a comment, /GG !), Flammz, N04h, Eroguro55 and Xarathustra :jap:
By the same artist, I also share a pack of 3 works and Sister In Register 1 (uncensored !).

Edit : for future use, here’s the info, I just found out that Cool Brain = Kitani Sai. Pen names, you know, that stuff.

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(10 MB, 27 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

Seriously… On page 20, look at how that girl is biting her lips… HGNI !!
Another side note, this time for the old timers of hentai. I suddenly remembered this vague feeling I had, on which I couldn’t find words, to describe the art by Kitani Sai : it’s like a successful non-fucked up mix betwee the art of Tuna Empire and D’Erlanger… think of it, fellow hentai old timers…

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Alexandrine Library
Alexandrine Library
10 years ago

Marvellous and realistic story. Consensual sex, romantic plot, and great buggery scenes. Fuck off hypocrisy. Long life to anal sex!

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago

Not entirely realistic in one regard : first actual anal sex with a penis, and there was no need for lubricant despite enthusiastic thrusting at once ? Errr… :D

Alexandrine Library
Alexandrine Library
10 years ago

Well, it is not said if it is her first time, and it is said that she is even used to shoving carrots up her arsehole. But, yes, you are right: anal sex without lubricant is not feasible, no matter how trained such an arsehole is.

10 years ago

…Hentai Logic…

10 years ago

It was my pleasure before and after sharing it with you (Oliver) again^^
Read it again just now….AAAAAAHHHHH "Let's stay friends"????? Nandattoooooo?????? AAAaaaaaahhhhhhh…

10 years ago

Just a heads up, randomly… there IS a Japanese tank of Regrettable Heroines – いきなり! ハーレムライフ

10 years ago

The only complaint I have is where are the boobs? A great ass and pussy but no boobs!!!:(

10 years ago

Page 17 – "… I was cleaning my ass."

"Anal" is not one of my personal preferences, but I say to the Protagonist: "Iincho is wife material – never let her go, you lucky bastard." B)