My Girlfriend Is my Innocent Queen [English], by Hal

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments
Tags: femdom

Doesn't matter, had sex. That must be the spirit, I guess ?

I know this is no new release so my present share ought not to be relevant, but, I still notice the frequency of femdom releases has increased : please don’t tell me femdom is becoming a new fetish ? I’ll soon start regretting the herbivore males depicted in netorare stories :shock:
For, as I’m mentioning it, there is femdom in the present share, it’s about a girlfriend being all mellow and cute outside, while, indoors and privately, she’s showing a broad smile, a sadistic smile, the smile of an S drunken on her own arousing feeling of being in dominance.
And her boyfriend is made to cum repeatidly, blah, blah, blah.

I can’t say I adored it, but it had its charm, especially the girl’s smile, I’d say only Doumou and Hal can draw smiles like that :3
By the same artist, I also share Mesu Ana Muhou Chitai – Mondou Muyou No Nakadashi Choueki (204 pictures), Kono Natsu, Shoujo Wa Bitch Ni Naru, My Wife Is A Nudist (“Okusama Wa Razoku”) + My Wife Is A Nudist After, Atashi Ga Roshutsukyou Dakaratte Yariman Janain Dakara Ne, Bitch Summer Vacation, and M No Honkai.

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(8 MB, 16 pictures, English)

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10 years ago

I think the comment about cleaning it is kind of reversed but hey beggars can't be choosers!!! And how could I forget about the boobs!!! :p

10 years ago

There's been an increase in femdom content starting around 1~2 years back, yeah. Dedicated anthologies (Girls for M) and artists who always had that toned a bit down got more bold with it.
Nothing worrying so far, Oliver. Vanilla will live on.

So will NTR, and femdom kinda balances that I guess… Delicious yanderes need love too.

2 years ago

all the download links are dead