HaPPY LIFe [English], an Amagami hentai doujinshi, by Kansai Orange

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment
When your sister and a school friend want your dick, it's time to man up ! :D

Once again, I don’t find the proper words to describe why I like these drawings by Kansai Orange. There’s a sort of human warmth coming from them, they’ve got a hand-drawn touch, they don’t appear “industrial”, there are feelings, sensibility and care for the characters that are depicted coming from from every panel… Let’s say I’m in a state of WAFF when reading it :)

As for the story ? The male hero has a slight cold, so two of the female heroines, Rihoko and Miya (that one’s sister to the MC), jump to his rescue. Turns out he had quite the stamina left (almost enough, poor boy :lol: ), and so highly pleasant sex made of duos and a threesome follows, with oral, vaginal and anal sex :twisted:

By the same artist, known as Arai Kei and as Kansai Orange, to this day, I also share Gunjo Gunzo (245 pictures), Houkago Initiation: coloured version (206 pictures) or grayscale tank version (208 pictures), Clover 1-4, and a MASSIVE pack with ALL my other English-translated works by Kansai Orange (20 volumes, no less, and I retouched/improved them whenever I could!)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(16 MB, 29 pictures, English)

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Part time commie
Part time commie
10 years ago

I find this style very pleasing too. It gives a calm vibe as opposed to a more sharp one. Might be "sketchy" look… or something… In anycase, it reminds me of older animes like Princess Mononoke.