An Angelic Anego [English, NEW VERSION, based on different scans, with new editing], by Fueta Kishi

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 6 comments
Tags: nurse

Haaa, nurses. Anyone who has visited a real hospital is bound to adore hentai nurses.

BeforeAfter : okay ? ^^
Compared to the version of An Angelic Anego that I shared 1 year ago, the new version I’m sharing here :
– is based on different scans, with a much finer grain and no scanning defects, which comes at the cost of a loss in constrasts
– benefited from reediting by Super Shanko, correcting the typical weaknesses of the scanlators (punctuation marks were added, the fonts face and size varied, for instance)

If you prefer the new version, well, help yourselves ! ^_^
I’ll renew my thanks to CellTF and Lusty Lady 00 and Black Russian from The Lusty Lady Project, with new thanks to Super Shanko who did the reediting !
As for the rest, you’ll find a description of An Angelic Anego and download links to the previous version on that page :)

For more goodness, Cf. The list of ALL Fueta Kishi’s works on Hentairules!

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Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(21 MB, 25 pictures, English)

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10 years ago

I appreciate the original work on this, but I think I like the newer scans. Maybe it's just me and my monitors, but I didn't notice a big difference in the shading between the two.

10 years ago

They raped the tones on the new one :/

10 years ago
Reply to  sepiatonar

That's mainly because of the scans I asked Super Shanko to use. I preferred them over the ones TLLP used for their version. The scans were a little brighter than I would prefer which unfortunately resulted in some loss in detail, but I still liked them better. As I said in my post on e-hentai, this is just a second option. If you prefer the original version, you're more than welcome to ignore this one and keep the original one (assuming you already downloaded it). Also, if the guys at TLLP happen to read this, I want to say thank you to them again for allowing me to release this. I would have kept this private had they not given me the OK to release this.

10 years ago
Reply to  CellTF

What happened to ttlp? Do they have a new site?

10 years ago

All I can say is really, really nice!!! Make her yours!!! I love Nurse related stories. Oliver, do you have any more Nurse related stories? Please no Boku no Yayoi san. I'm still not happy with the way that one ended. I can't read Japanese but thanks to a couple of friends we figured it out. I really hate TJ and Wani right now!!!!