Episode #100 - Composer Extravaganza!!
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To wrap up season seven of Moveable Do, Steve celebrates 100 episodes. You'll hear greetings and updates from 19 former guests - of course including new recordings of their music. Steve also counts down and shares clips from the top 5 episodes of Moveable Do according to listener downloads.
In addition to the amazing music and people you'll hear, Steve also talks about and shares the piece that you've heard as the intro music this season, "Oh Call Him Back to Me."
Thank you to the guests who participated in interviews in season seven!
Z. Randall Stroope - https://www.zrstroope.com/
Judith Herrington - https://judithherringtonmusic.com
Lawrence Kramer - https://lkmusic.org
Marie-Claire Saindon - https://www.marieclairesaindon.com/
Elizabeth Alexander - https://www.elizabethalexander.com/
Jocelyn Hagen (Compose Like a Girl Podcast) - https://www.jocelynhagen.com/compose-like-a-girl/
Frank Ticheli - https://frankticheli.com
Karen P Thomas - https://karenpthomas.com/
Molly Catherine Nixon - https://www.mc-studios.org/
Kim André Arnesen - https://kimarnesen.com/
Santiago Veros - https://santiagoveros.site
Edna Yeh - https://www.ednayeh.com/
Nell Shaw Cohen - https://www.nellshawcohen.com/
Eric Alexander - https://www.ericscottalexander.com/
Bret Simmons - https://www.theatricalrights.com/author/bret-simmons/
Brett Stewart - https://www.millennial.org/
Thank you all for supporting Moveable Do! See you in Season 8!
171 episodes