Henbumi (“Lewd Letter”) [English], by Fueta Kishi

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 9 comments

Holy titfuck ! Jebus !

Let’s take frequently seen ingredients, an ojou-sama from a wealthy family totally ignorant of the ways of the commoners, who’s acting in a simultaneously blunt and candid manner, and a lucky male “commoner”, from her highschool, who tries his luck and, miraculously, manages to score.
I REALLY like that idea, that a woman who hasn’t been taught your taboos as you can be both candid, blunt and genuinely horny.

Let’s add Fueta Kishi’s talent, not just for hot drawings, but also for words, this artist’s got a knack for catching us by surprise.
The end result is surprisingly pleasant, I didn’t see any dialogue or (relative) plot twist coming, it was refreshing as well as very well done :D

This has been released by Zenigeba, Eromangagirls, and CellTF, thank you very much ! :)

For more goodness, Cf. The list of ALL Fueta Kishi’s works on Hentairules!


Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(35 MB, 24 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

As of usual when ✔ the images are in high enough resolution and ✔ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ✔ it offers a significant gain, and ✔ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images, here from almost 2400 px to standard 1600 px resolution. The zip shrank from 35 MB to 10 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, it takes less disk space, and it’s the version I used for the preview pics.
Download links, Zip : Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3

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10 years ago

In all likelihood, only in the H-universe will this scenario play out as it did. :|

10 years ago

I highly doubt European nobility would allow them to get with a non European, especially someone not a white

10 years ago

Hey Guy's, Were in 2014. Now days anything is possible. Great story and art work. Another great one from HentaiRules.

Seishiro Haga
Seishiro Haga
10 years ago

So it's about pubic hair…

10 years ago

Well, Yu Darvish is a rather good-looking Japanese-Iranian halfbreed with a goatee… so it may refers to both, in fact ! :-)

10 years ago

Nice to see something new from Kishi after a while. Has there ever been a story where there hasn't been a breast sucking scene in his stuff? I don't think so.

9 years ago

Heard real life stories of guys sending girls, cute but bluntly lewd letters and getting an opportunity to date.

I was reading a blogger's story about messages she received on OK Cupid. She mentioned a guy's honest, funny and lewd letter about him beating off to her picture. She wound up dating him because of it.

What weird gambits work in life.

Thanks for the post.

9 years ago

My God! After all these years of lurking in the darkest shadows of hentairules, silent as many a decent citizen wannabees, playing his role in public, in private projecting himself in a hentai world whenever possible, eternally grateful to all those divine mangakas, and Oliver for creating such a precious oasis, but having nothing smart to say, finally this one enticed me to say something.

"I'm so interested in your hair […] colour, trim and all that jazz!"

This one knocked me right off my chair… I haven't got a slightest idea what could be standing there in the original, Japanese. but, mon Dieu! I just love this line!

There are so many hilarious and weird stuff going on in manga authors heads, so crazy in all it's magnificent absurdity, that we are free to say they are definitely not of this world (and that's why we love mangas, and not just the hentai ones, mind you), and maybe this one was the most benign one, but I simply couldn't help it.

Superb share.
Huge thanks to Zenigeba for translating this (and re-creating a masterpiece; that was done here), Eromangagirls, and CellTF. Above all, thank you, Oliver. for this and everything you've done thus far for indulging our perverted appetite for hentai sweets :D I wish you all the best.

Oliver AKA The Admin
9 years ago
Reply to  Ken_Lee

Hehe, Ken_Lee, thank you, I'm sincerely glad these shares please you :)

I guess that's why most of us fell in love with hentai, the magic of manga, all its inner possibilities, plus the porn, both of them being awesome in themselves :D