Semeruga Otome [English, 221 pictures], by Shijou Sadafumi

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 6 comments

I could fap to this. Oh wait - I did ^^;;

Oh boy, what an AWESOME fuckfest ! :shock: :twisted:
Semeruga Otome is a scenario-free manga, in which every chapter is a single story, with as little scenario as possible, just enough to setup a good mood, vaguely humorous, based on straight unemotional vanilla, and next, sex !

The girls all have rather large breasts (not “big” by hentai standards, but very close, real world girls would call that size “perfect”, I guess ^^), and an unusually strong “very thin waist and really large hips” ratio. And they’re having vaginal sex, also giving plenty of paizuri and oral sex.
My words can’t convey how FUCKING GOOD the drawings were, it was really erotic, and damn pleasant ! I’d recommend that manga to everyone, seriously ! =)

Semeruga Otome has been released by Lusty Lady 00 and Black Russian, from TheLustyLady Project, thank you very much, guys :)

By the same artist, I also shareUruka-chan To Ichaicha Shitai, Houkago Temptation, The Chubby Girl And The Queen and Simple? Complicated!.

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(168 MB, 221 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

As of usual when the archive is quite big and I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I recompressed the images.
There should be no loss of quality for the naked eye, only a loss in megabytes, from 168 MB to 82 MB, half smaller.
Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3

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11 years ago

IMPO (in my personal opinion), not all-out perfect, but gets the job done well enough. :p

11 years ago

Fap ´n go

11 years ago

This looks very good. Thanks to Lusty Lady 00 and Black Russian for all their hard work, and thanks Oliver for sharing it.

11 years ago

I usually take your recommendations seriously and agree with them Oliver, but this kind of artstyle just can't give me a hard on lol. Thanks for the shares anyway Oliver.

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  hoccus


10 years ago

This looks sexy as hell!!

Another new artist for me! Thanks as always Oliver-san!!!