Rain Shelter [English], by Musashimaru

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments
A hot teenager in her tennis cloud outfit, having sex, under the rain. I can fap to this.

Faint warning, the present share isn’t vanilla, nor is it mindbreak. This is a sort of “variation” on the theme of hentai rape, with an open ending.

I don’t even know where to begin, to summarize this share. A girl is unhappy in love, and feels dejected, a self-confident school mate takes advantage of her weakness and doesnt’ leave her choice, engaging into sex; she feels very good and it’s not clear whether she really didn’t want it, or needed a hentai push, and in the end it seems she approves and tells the boy the two of them might become a thing. Argh.

Well, at least, graphically, it’s good dope. For the rest, see for yourselves ! And thanks to Sydin for this release :)
Side note (I forgot to make before/after comparison images so you’ll have to trust me on this), I performed a strong retouching on the scans, they were dull grey (instead of black) and every damn surface was littered with white dots pollution. I fixed that.

By Musashimaru, I also share Keep It A Secret From My Sister, of Course (237 pictures), Naked Play 1-4 and 8, Pretty Trap, Deli X Love, The Sweetish Temptation and Broadcast Girlfriend.

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(37 MB, 16 pictures, English)

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11 years ago

This one was in a kind of grey area for me. It felt forced, but the art was good. But I agree, she could have left just as well as staying in the situation.

11 years ago

On the one hand, scenario equates to "Crunchy Frog" (those who know the term would understand). :x

On the other hand, ….. ….. BUT IT'S MUSASHIMARU!!!!! xD

11 years ago

looking ace :D

thanks a bunch Oliver-san!!

Kris Rahm
Kris Rahm
10 years ago

Surprised you didn't caution against confusing this with 'Let’s Find A Shelter From The Rain!' :)