Coffin Of Cerebrum [English, 190 pictures], by Tokihara Masato

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 17 comments

A highly unexpected, and highly worthy hentai manga ! O_o

It’s not usually that I read a manga and tell to myself “hey, it’s interesting“. It’s even much rarer when the manga has a dark, deep, unhealthy series of themes (among which : hentai rape, violence, suggestions of gore, demonic inspirations). And yet, as soon as I started reading, I was stuck, and couldn’t stop anymore. All of the manga, save two chapters (one of which is interesting too), is a complete story arc, with drama, characters becoming more interesting, and tons of very well drawn sex (vaginal, anal and DP, in majority happy sex), with very finely crafted art.

I got a genuine “aesthetic” impression from this manga, as if it were an inspired piece of art talking to the soul, this is extremely rare for me.
So, yeah, I’m STRONGLY recommending you that manga, I hope you may find in this something likely to please you :)
Coffin Of Cerebrum was translated by Qbit, from QB Translations, and commissioned by a glorious Anon, thank you very much :jap:

Also, I checked here and there, and the artist really seems to be called Tokihara Masato. And yet, without a doubt (the art is MUCH better now, but the key idiosyncrasies remain), this is the same person who has been known to publish mangas under the name of Ashiomi Masato (whose latest share on hentairules is Emotion Island). Does someone know why the artist used two names ? O_o

By the same artist, I also share D-Medal (196 pictures), Loveless Labyrinth (206 pictures), Emotion Island (213 pictures), Dream Channel (212 pictures), Illusion Girls (212 pictures), Everyday sisters, Work Out, Pink Links (215 pictures), and Secret Schedule.

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(160 MB, 190 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

And, since the Zip file is huge, I’m offering you, if you like, a recompressed version.
There should be no loss of quality for the naked eye, only a loss in megabytes, from 160 MB to 97 MB.
Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3

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11 years ago

It's possible that they changed publishers and was not popular enough or business savy enough to keep their pre-existing name and had to pick a new pen name with the new company.

11 years ago

no idea..

11 years ago

Or just a pseudo freshening like Shinji Nora / Shirano Jin.

11 years ago

It is also possible they use different names for different genres.

11 years ago

no re-size oliver?

11 years ago

smaller version please :)

11 years ago

I'm happy that you enjoyed this as well Oliver, this is one of those VERY rare hentai mang0s which try (and succeed) to deliver an interesting story. Doubly rare due to the fact that it's dark, there's rape and other stuff you normally only find in mindbreak gangbang orgies/NTR.

11 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

If you like hentai manga with stories I recommend works by Kentarou. Unfortunately most of his stories are yet to be translated. Samurai Guild seems to be the only complete story by him that got translated.

Billy Mays
Billy Mays
11 years ago

Meh, this was one big disappointment for me. Too much rape going on in this, and way too many dicks flying about most of the pages.

1/10 Only thing going for this book is the art style. Everything else sucked more dick than Paris Hilton on crystal meth.

11 years ago

This was a big disappointment, especially since I rather enjoyed Emotion Island.

11 years ago

You shared… by the same author. (actually it is the last chapter of this one).

11 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous2

looks like it is the same work, i guess i don't need to download the above one huh? :D

11 years ago

what?!?! so this is Ashiomi Masato? i wonder why he changed he's first name?

maybe he's using his real name now or vice versa?

my favorite works from him is Emotion Island and Illusion Girls ^^

i freaking knew this is similar to the works i mentioned abvove.

thanks again for the magnificent share Oliver-san!!

11 years ago

Don’t quite geht, what everyone is complaining about…. the story was super interesting… I wanted to go to bed and just took a peek and then couldn’t stop reading for like… an hour or so XD
Not quite THE fap-material I guess, but this one has such a nice dark and wicked athmosphere including an interesting story! Nice one, thank you!

john smith
john smith
11 years ago

I like this mangg because it makes me use more of my brain. Emotion Island is shallow imo

11 years ago

wow just finished reading this and the story is really superb :)

a nice twist with the game of death concept!!!

art is beautiful and the blood is similar, but not on par with Berserk ^^

we really need more stories like this in our ero manga every now and then!!

and this is why Ashiomi Masato is quickly becoming one of my favorite artists ever!!!

Emotion Island and Illusion Girls and now Coffin of Cerebrum ^^

11 years ago

I generally find h-manga to come in two flavors. The majority being fap material. For stuff like “Coffin of Cerebrum,” it’s the flavor of “you’re far too engrossed in the plot to even consider jerking off,” a.k.a. plot with sex.

It’s that damn good.