Deredere Girls Girl Hino Akane [English, Full Color], an Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls hentai doujinshi, by Maruwa Tarou

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments
Let's call that exhilarated hentai ? ^^

The producer of Akane, one of the Idolmaster Cinderella Girls heroine, faints from fatigue, and wakes up on his young idol’s lap. Jumping to the wrong conclusions immediately, he believes he’s died and ascended Panty Heaven. One thing leading to another, happy sex with love declarations follow :lol:

The heroine’s petite build, large enough breasts and very energetic nature was pleasing, I must add :)

By the same artist (call him Maruwa Tarou or Atelier Maruwa, as you like), I also share Occult Girl Alice 1-2, Tofu Girl, Shoujo Nostalgica, My Wife Is An Idol, Kitsune No Yomeiri (The Fox’s Wedding), Deredere Girls Girl Natalia, and some stuff here and there.

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Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(12 MB, 18 pictures, English)

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11 years ago

Uh, ….. it's cute and all, but, does Producer-san ever return to the real world to realize that he must now (a-hem) "take responsibility"? :o

11 years ago

The first time I read the cover picture,
I read it Haku Na Matata

9 years ago

I only need to say one word, cute.

Thanks for the post.