Boy Meets Harem [English, 211 pictures], by Tachibana Omina

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 27 comments

If I could have made it suddenly *work* with women in real life, oh boy... :D
(When life gives you harem girls, make a hentaiburger.)

My heartfelt thanks go to Loplop, he is the one who contacted me with this tankoubon repack he had personally made, for you all to enjoy, great job man ! :D

More precisely, Loplop gathered the 4 long stories that make the complete Boy Meets Harem tank : Southern Harem, Mountain Snow Harem, Tropical Harem 1-2, and Deatte Harem. He then added the tank-specific images, and ran level corrections especially in Deatte Harem (I just added 1 thing, the credits pictures that were missing). And that makes the present share :)

As for the story… For no explainable reason (other than “Because hentai !” of course :razz: ), we’ve got a male hero who attracts women all around, and, bam!, harem sex. Needless to mention in details how good he is at sex or how inexhaustible his stamina and semen supply are. Be they modern dark-skinned amazonesses, office ladies, housewives, plane attendants, teachers or schoolgirls, no woman can resist the call to join a harem. Oh well :roll: :lol:

Save the last chapter, done by Biribiri and Afro Thunda, the rest of the manga has been translated by BlackRussian and LustyLady00, from The Lusty Lady Project. Thanks a lot for all the work :)

Do you want more harem? Check the list of Tachibana Omina’s shares! ^^

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(248 MB, 211 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

And, since the Zip file is huge, I’m offering you, if you like, a smaller version, 89 MB instead of 248 MB, almost 3 times smaller. It was achieved by two means (well, in one row thanks to Xnview, but still, those were two operations), resizing the pictures that were (slightly) above 1600px back to 1600px, and recompressing the other pictures. If bandwidth is an issue for you, that should come in handy ! :)
Smaller version : Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3

And once again, for good measure:

Introducing a world première, the hentaiburger !

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11 years ago

Christmas come early ;D

11 years ago

"OM NOM NOM !!!!! B)

11 years ago

Thanks to Oliver and Loplop for this. I didn't know there was more to Southern Harem

11 years ago

This is missing several untranslated, tank only pages.

Fun fact: I was QC for the Deatte Harem (the last chapter), but I wasn't cool enough to get credited.

11 years ago

So much win! Thanks for the tank repack Loplop, and thanks for the share Oliver!

11 years ago

I'll take the hentaiburger for other uses down the line. . . .

@ HurpDurp – The pages are there, just not translated from the raw that I have.

11 years ago
Reply to  loplop

I looked at the version Oliver put online, and they're most definitely missing.

For instance, where's (That's NOT the only one.)

11 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Looks like the raw I had was missing several items. I had not seen the gallery on e-hentai and my IP is block for me for some reason to even take a look.

11 years ago
Reply to  loplop

Well, Biri is translating the whole tank assuming the editor is still willing to do it anyway. So, hopefully this will be obsolete soon. Also, why use Lusty's versions instead of Biri's anyway?

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Because LLP != Cgrascal, they're doing a good job already, accept constructive criticism and are good-willed, so once I got a version I keep it and I'm not replacing it.

Important, I know the comments only reflect each person's opinion, but I still want to highlight it : I am NOT playing and NOT condoning scanlation groups wars. This is a sad waste of time and energy.

11 years ago

I'll admit they recently (like this summer) got their shit together and started doing things a lot better, and their second chapter of this was acceptable, BUT the first chapter was not.

And the only "scanlation wars" that ever happen here are from Njmanga getting butthurt from someone criticizing him. Remember when I said what was wrong with chapter 1 to convince you to swap it? That guy who starting flaming had the same IP address as NJ when he commented as himself later on. And when I choose Team Vanilla's version of Fukuyama-san instead of TLLP's, someone who had all but two in the IP address started flaming. Wonder who it could've been?

But it doesn't matter to me; I was just curious why loplop didn't do it, that's all.

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

I'll agree Njmanga's got a problem with his nerves. But remember Hurp, a quarrel is a two-persons business, and it's way worse than an emodrama or a ragequit, that can be done solo. Let's avoid quarrels at least, seriously, it's the internet, we may as well stay cool ^^

11 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

I didn't know there was another version actually. The one in the upload is the only one I've seen. I've had this lying around for a while and since I had not seen anything about it being redone, sent it to Oliver because I knew there were other fans of the work.

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  loplop

Oops, then ^^

But look, if these are just omake scenes, it's not a big deal, don't worry, I hope you got the gist that everybody was grateful already :)

11 years ago

Oh wow, this looks incredible. I love the DOA Harem doujins, I can't wait tor ead this.

11 years ago

great on deposid u HAVE to become a member to download andthe other 2 takes more the a hour pls chose other upload

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  GFYS

You must belong to a country/ISP/profile disliked by file lockers. From rapidgator, without premium, I leech at around 250 kB/s, uploaded is like 300-400kB/s and depositfiles is around 160-200 kB/s.
The averages vary wildly, but I still view this as comfortable.

Sure I could use other hosts, but who can tell if they wouldn't be sucky for other people.

Basically, deal with it. Or use a premium generator.
Or you can also use hentairules as source of INFO, and then once you know there's that release, and you validated from the gallery that it's something you want, you google for better places to find it, hey, why not.
You can also use other places to find your hentai, there are several forums with fucktons of daily releases aggregating everything that's released on the hentai scene, also public or private trackers, blah, blah, blah. Searching and finding is easy, so that nullifies the weight of critics against the websites I choose, you really are free to find better elsewhere, as long as you're happy in the end, that's what matters :)

11 years ago

my mistake

11 years ago

Nice hamburger with only one fry though :p

This one goes right to "Favourite" folder

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  CrazyRabbitt

"only one fry"

ololol :D

11 years ago

Many thanx Oliver.

11 years ago

I always loved how you compressed the files.

11 years ago

lovely new artist :)

thanks as always Oliver!!!

10 years ago

Finally found 1 of many manga that i want.

10 years ago
9 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Not only that – check this out:

In Summary: Here We Go Again … wink-wink, nudge-nudge, etc. xD