Shoujo Kyouka [English], a Date A Live hentai doujinshi, by Kanden Shoujo

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 6 comments

This hentai doujinshi was all in dark contrasts, with an almost stiflingly erotic atmosphere... Impressive =)

A cutie in schoolgirl uniform from Date A Live, with dark hair, a dark uniform, dark thighhighs with matching garter belts, the pages with a dark tone and strong contrasts… I didn’t expect it, it produced a very, very strong and arousing visual impression on me O_o

The ending left me in the dark too, but I reckon this was simply about a morning wake-up sex visit between classmates, something like that… GREAT sex anyway, with a thick eroticism-saturated atmosphere, I’m sure lots of you guys should enjoy it, as I did ^^
Thanks a LOT to LS, Blue-Wingz, Burai and Kitsune, from LifeForKaoru, who released it :)

By the same artist, known as Miyuki Rei and Kanden Shoujo Chuuihou, I also share M Kei Reijou, Nagato’s Special Repairs (uncensored version), Hebigami No Miko and Hebigami No Miko Ni.

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11 years ago

Meh, OK if you like a Femdom start and a reversal ending… the art was nice if heavily into black, but the story was like I said, meh. Thanks for the hard work, Oliver!

11 years ago

To clarify the ending a little, the girl is actually from another dimension and has special powers, including the ability to travel through shadows. The guy also has the ability to seal those powers with a kiss if the girl loves him.

11 years ago

Another example from the H-universe of: "the best part of waking up". B)

10 years ago

Actually, whether Kurumi is from another dimension or just a regular girl who got powered up hasn't been clarified yet. As for Shadow traveling I think she's limited to her personal shadow or shadows created with her powers as any shadow she jumped in the Light Novels were one of the two.. Although if you want another bee in your bonnet consider that the real Kurumi is probably the one standing outside the window embarrassed (like she had been watching and not participating unless she somehow cleaned off Shidou's cum while getting dressed in 5 secs or less) and had sent one of her time clones to fool around with Shidou.

5 years ago
Reply to  Silvs

So basically what I’m assuming is her clone sank into her shadow on the bed to avoid the sister from seeing her while leaving Shidou in an embarrassing position. Kurumi is a spirit who is able to extract some of her remaining time until death and use it to create a clone of an earlier self. Don’t know if can make multiple clones from same point in time like 5 clones of the her of 5 mins ago or how long time between clones is needed if any, like can she make a 2nd clone of 5 mins and 1 sec ago, or would it have to be at least another 5 mins earlier than time point of first clone is unknown. Btw, her eye being yellow isn’t normal heterochromia, but because it’s a clock with hands, roman numerals for numbers, and I think if real quiet can even be heard ticking. It counts down her time until death and moves forward rapidly when using her special bullets. Can use her shadow to drain time from others moving the hands back although don’t know if she gets a minute for every minute drained. If like a person who’s blood was drunk from a vampire is only knocked out from loss of time (unless she completely drains them to death) and after recovering will be normal and still going to die at same moment of old age rather than earlier from loss of time or not.
In any case, her being a Spirit is why only a couple inches of her head were still sinking down when the door was opened. Assuming clone in room and prime Kurumi outside window as only a few seconds would have passed from sister seeing scene and exclaiming pervert so unlikely for Kurumi to have gotten cleaned up and dressed even with other clones in her shadow helping before appearing outside. As for not sticking around likely due to being embarrassed and to avoid sister due to relation being bad due to earlier events in LN/Anime. If want more details read or watch the series.

5 years ago

The Hebigami no Miko link is broken.