Secret Schedule [English], by Ashiomi Masato

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments
Tags: comedy
For the first time, premature ejacutors have an edge

How does an easygoing boyfriend fight his girlfriend’s tendancy to be a time control freak ? With prolongated foreplay, and without a rubber. And it works ! :D

It was nice, the ending was funny, thanks a lot to Darkfire, Flammz and Desu :)

By the same artist, I also share D-Medal (196 pictures), Loveless Labyrinth (206 pictures), Coffin Of Cerebrum (190 pictures), Emotion Island (213 pictures), Dream Channel (212 pictures), Illusion Girls (212 pictures), Everyday sisters, Work Out, and Pink Links (215 pictures).

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(14 MB, 18 pictures, English)

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Nolan North
Nolan North
11 years ago

stupid white out censoring ruining some awesome hentai :(

11 years ago

censor didntbother me much. awsome hentai, thx for share…. haaah sometimes i wish..

9 years ago

Methinks, deep down, although this female protag may be reluctant to admit it:

<img src="; />