The Chubby Girl And The Queen [English], by Shijou Sadafumi

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment

The pantyhose fetish is strong in that one

I’m getting mixed feelings from that one. There’s happy sex, with a form of care for each other and what must be called respect for lack of a more appropriate word. The drawings are kinda nice too, a petite slim brunette and a not-really-chubby (what, “meaty” ? A nice butt and a nice rack ^^) girl have sex with a schoolmate.
But the story was so-so. As if there were meager attempts at doing something too complicated for a two-chapter length. This is neither femdom nor yandere, and whatever it is, it falls flat into the brainless sex category in the end.

Oh well, no big “watch out!!” warning. I hope the drawings may be to your taste ! ^^
And thanks a lot to Kameden for this release :)

By the same artist, I also share Semeruga Otome (221 pictures), Uruka-chan To Ichaicha Shitai, Houkago Temptation and Simple? Complicated!.

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(17 MB, 39 pictures, English)

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7 years ago

Finally tried this one out – wouldn’t call Hisamatsu “chubby” … “Meaty” perhaps. And I agree; story delivery is lacking, compared to some of this artist’s other translated works. But It’s cute enough.