Pack Of 2 Works By Kodai Heiki [English] : Red + Train Train

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments
Tags: happy sex

An odd combination of light and darkness, in this pack, eh ?

This is almost unsettling, those two works, despite showing strong graphical similarities, give me the impression they haven’t been drawn by the same artist. And yet…
You see, I’ve gathered here the two works by Kodai Heiki that I could find in English,
– Red
– Train Train

… one of them was translated only a short time ago. In the first case, this is sex tainted by sadness and lack of hope, served with polished art, very hardcore; while in the second case the drawings seem to show more enthusiam than experience and professionalism, but on the other hand this is happy sex with a light note of humour and of mutual liking. :wtf:

Credits are for Cgrascal, and Kazizaki Sakura and Fuke, from Fuke Translations, thank you ! :)

Red : Pictures Gallery — Train Train : Pictures Gallery

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(30 MB, 41 pictures, English)

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11 years ago

Re; "Red" – first impression I got from that face of the girl on page 20 was the conveying of an un-mistakable message like: "One day, I shall come for you." – and not in a nice way.

B-R-R-R-R-R-R !!!!!!!!!! o.0

11 years ago
Reply to  MHM

Re: "Train Train" – protagonist ranks as a Lucky Bastard on two counts: (1) the girl didn't label him as a molester, and (2) even after (a-hem) all that, he got her address and phone number. B)

Anyone want to figure out the odds of that happening in the same manner in real life? :o