Idol Sister [English, 191 pictures, now with TANK SCANS], Drama CD [1 hour and 48 seconds, Japanese], by Ohtomo Takuji

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 26 comments

[Aphex Twin mode] I can fap to this.

« My womb is becoming a pool of semen » : Another evidence hentai and poetry don’t go along well :D
RHA, YAY ! A full manga by Ohtomo Takuji, composed of two halves,
– an idols story in which the lucky brother of a popular female idol gets to have sex with all the other female idols (at first I used to think it was Oreimo ^^),
– Risa (you first saw that one in 2012), a very cute and pleasant “female student X young male teacher” happy sex story with a decent ending and an almost worthy scenario :)
– Added thanks to HurpDurp : a drama CD based on the Idol Sisters story !

The scenario never goes far, the artist focuses on drawing as much sex as possible (oral, vaginal in standard positions), with the girls always wearing different outfits. The idols were nice (they didn’t strike me as great, though, except the really big-breasted one :german:; the sister is borderline loli), but Risa, haaaa, Risa, a candid face, a marvelously horny body, a bridal dress with matching underwear to die for… There were GOOD drawings, yeah :twisted:
My most grateful thanks are for Runan92, Conanak99 and Azu-tan from VLTrans, Kudo from LoliLoliHunters and Cheesey :)
Update : and now thanks to Annon, who ported it to the tank scans ! Before / After. Okay ? :D

For more, see The list of all my Takuji/Ohtomo Takuji/Number2 shares!

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(101 MB, 191 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

Oliver : The rest is written by my kind helper HurpDurp.

But wait, there’s more! HurpDurp har. I’m stealing this post because… This shit came with a goddamn drama CD! It’s like those audios I post every other week, but more professional and less dojin! Remember how I said something about “use these things as background noise when fapping to a h-manga of similar concept”? Well… what about using it as background noise while reading along with the translation in the h-manga?! Yeah! And you can! Woo!

Holy shit. This was seriously awesome. My only complaint is that some of the words are censored (which was really just “pussy”). Even more so because I actually know what they are saying now thanks to the scanlation!

This has sound effects for EVERYTHING. Walking, removing clothing, fucking, cumming, an effect that makes it sound like they are talking through a mic when they’re supposed to be talking through mics… Even people in the background making noise.

The voice actors are really talented as well (and they sound familiar, especially the main male lead). They can moan and sing at the same fucking time! It even comes with the song they sing throughout the whole thing even while fucking (and it has an instrumental version too)!

I hope this gets adapted into an anime, and if it does, it keeps the same seiyuus. That would be so fucking awesome. Usually a drama CD comes first, then an animoo, so it really does have a pretty good chance if the tankōbon sold well enough.

I had another image to upload, but it was too large for ImageTwist LOL

I’ve uploaded two different versions, just the audio itself and a pack combining the manga and audio together in one Zip:

First up, just the audio:

Download JUST the Free Hentai Audio in a Zip file
(145 MB, 1 hour and 48 seconds, Japanese)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3 – or – Zip Mirror #4 – or – Zip Mirror #5

And now both together!

Download the Free Hentai Manga and Audio in a Zip file
(245 MB, 191 pictures, English | 1 hour 48 seconds, Japanese)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3 – or – Zip Mirror #4 – or – Zip Mirror #5

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12 years ago

The scans are crappy because it's magazine, not tankōbon.

Also, dat CD.

12 years ago

<< You lolicon pervert! >> << Idiot, I'm a Sis-con!>>
zing. XD
Anyway, thanks Oliver, for this extremely pleasant share. ^_^

12 years ago

Awesome. Many thanx Oliver.

12 years ago

Oliver, did you delete a page today? Because a while ago I saw a title like "My Mother" by Takasugi Kou, but I can't find it now (404 error page).

12 years ago

Seems so.

Edit: Seems Oliver got a DMCA from the scanlator. :V

If you stop by THMMY’s IRC, I may or may not be able to hook you up with it.

12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

That doesn't even make sense considering scanlating is a grey legal area :U

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Chill down, Hurp, that wasn't a DMCA ;)

12 years ago

The “:V” meant I was joking :x

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

My bad :D

12 years ago

"Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(145 MB, 1 hour and 48 seconds, Japanese)"

12 years ago
Reply to  S.C.

Knew I was forgetting something. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  S.C.

I guess Hurp Durp did a hasty copy-paste before adding links ^^

12 years ago

I read this manga (or at least the idol sister chapters) awhile ago (and loved it, by the way). However, I must say that reading it in conjunction with the audio added a whole new level to it. Thank you, Oliver and HurpDurp, for sharing this awesome manga/audio combo.

12 years ago
Reply to  Oddone2

Now if only I could find a rip of the Maruta ero-drama :(

12 years ago

nice, audio + pictures, this is going to be interesting at least lol

12 years ago
Reply to  jasta85

Speaking of audios with transcripts… Don't you owe someone some money?

12 years ago

Loved this one, and I also confused it with OreImo xD

And thanks HurpDurp, I'm not into audios but this one may be the one that changes that ;D

12 years ago

the day this is fully uncensored! me will take with a big smile XD

11 years ago

Thank you Oliver and HurpDurp and Anon for the updated scans, download offers, as well as the audio CD :)

wish more H-manga's would do this!!!!

11 years ago
Reply to  PrinceHeir

Actually, quite a few of them do. It's just that barely anyone ever rips drama CDs…

Been waiting impatiently for several months for the one from the most recent Maruta tank myself.

11 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp


i heard that name somewhere :

11 years ago
Reply to  PrinceHeir
11 years ago
Reply to  PrinceHeir

In other news, finally got that Maruta CD.

10 years ago
Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

What's with those pictures, don't they already belong to this tank ? What is the new thing ? O_o

10 years ago

It's an anime.