Mahou Shoujo 10.0 [English, Uncensored, strongly retouched], by Raita

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 30 comments
Tags: tanned
Brazilian-Japanese girl ? WE NEED MORE CROSS-BREEDS LIKE HER !!!!

This is a sort of magical girls fight thingy, and, frankly, the only thing that matters is that we reach quickly the sex scene, in which a faptastically delicious tanned half-brazilian half-Japanese blonde in nanoskirt, with big breasts, an arched back, a curvy butt and long legs, has excellent doggystyle sex :twisted:

(Just asking… Do real Brazilian-Japanese porn actresses exist ?)

Seriously, that girl’s body was AWESOME, and the drawings being decensored makes it even better :twisted:

I also offer a recompressed version (from 50 to 14 MB, no visible difference), if it can help.
My great thanks, for this release, are for Saha and Omega999 ! :)

Besides, cf this Before / After comparison, I did a retouching. I was quite unsatisfied with the scans, they were too pale and the girl’s body was sometimes hard to make out against her clothes or the background. A greater contrast between dark skin and sparkling white slutty miniskirt or underwear, this is even more arousing :twisted: I hope you’ll also see this as an improvement ^^

By the same artist, I also share Sakaki Rapes Yoshida. Jebus, I shared that other one seven years ago :shock:
SEVEN YEARS ! I’ve been hentai-ing during seven years ! 0_o

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(50 MB, 29 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

And if you want an uncompressed version, from 50 to 14MB, it’s just here :
Recompressed version, Zip…
Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3

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Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago

I'm shocked, I forgot to notice that Hentairules, born on the 17th of december 2006, has reached its sixth birthday and thus is currently living its seventh year.

I'll have to post an announcement about it tomorrow.

Jeeeeeeeeeeebus O_O

12 years ago

GREAT SHYT!!!!!! gratz on 6 years bro i bumped into this site by accident 4 years ago and you have been uber all that time from your taste in hentai to your honest and funny reviews of works and also furthermore your random bits of current event knowledge was great and enlighting. but i digress. but i will say ty again for doin this. 1 more thing that half black half japanese is by far 1 of the hottest hentai girls i have EVER seen(just proves that u can mix black with ANY race and come out a winner hahaha) raita really nailed it this time

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  carnorjax007

Well… thanks :)

12 years ago

Time sure past fast!!!! I been following the page for five and half years then XD !!!

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  Jdark

Wow, not bad either, Jdark :D

12 years ago

I live in brazil and Yes mam ! !
search for a girl her name is sabrina sato !

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  Walker

She doesn't make porn ;)

12 years ago

Not yet.

11 years ago

try anne midori (or yumi saito), delicious brazilian body and asian face.

Alexandrine Library
Alexandrine Library
12 years ago
Reply to  Walker

Are you stupid or what? Only an idiot would invent that sort of fake news.
Considering that 30% of population in São Paulo are from Asian origin, it is obvious that they can be found in all activities, porn included, but if you have fanbtasies about Sabrina Sato (your right), please do not create false news. It is not polite, to say the least.

12 years ago

Oliver, about your post question, search for the name "Anne Midori" .Yes she is a brazilian-japanese pornstar and she is really hot!

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  senseikiller

I'll gladly search for that, thank you :3

12 years ago

I actually really like this series, even if the plot is… spotty. And the first volume's art is terrible. But, again, really like it.

12 years ago

Considering the largest Japanese population outside of Japan is in Brazil, I'd be willing to bet there are some pornstars there. I mean it is Brazil. Like half of porn is from there.

Alexandrine Library
Alexandrine Library
12 years ago
Reply to  darkman1

Half of porn is from Brazil? You must be confusing South America with United States and Russia, the greatest porn industries on the planet.

12 years ago

Oli, no recompressed version link? thanks..

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  lil't

Ooops !

Sorry, I forgot to add the recompressed version links in the two shares where I wanted to offer them, silly me !
Updating the posts now, thanks for the note ! :)

12 years ago

No problem ^^
congrats for 6 full years of service to mankind :p hope it'll last as long as possible ^^
et merci encore pour les liens,,

kadou denji
kadou denji
12 years ago

oliver, congrats, and i hope your site last til foreva :D

btw: can you please make a pack with all the numbers of this series? everytime this have a new release i manage to find the old issues but then i totally forgot to backup

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  kadou denji

I'll think about it :)

12 years ago

If you search for Sarah + JAV you can find a beautiful Brazilian/Japanese porn actress.

Seishiro Haga
Seishiro Haga
12 years ago

Magical girls, eh? I suppose it's only wishful thinking for me about more Harribel from Bleach doujin out there.

12 years ago

> Do real Brazilian-Japanese porn actresses exist ?
If they don't, someone will make an erotic visual novel about it! Someone always makes eroges based off Raita's ideas!

12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Really? First time I know of this; any links?

12 years ago
Reply to  MarqFJA87

Seriously? You've never heard of "Katawa Shoujo" before?

12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

… I did, but I did not know that Raita had any connection to it.

On a side note, why was "dumb bitch" tagged to this? The Brazilian girl didn't seem like a "dumb bitch" to me.

12 years ago
Reply to  MarqFJA87

It was Raita's idea:

How the heck should I know? Anyone can add or remove tags.

12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp


Yeah, I was just checking before I go remove it. It makes no sense to me.

12 years ago

Japanese-Brazilian porn starts are plenty. Look up Anne Midori or Yumi Saito, they are/were big names in Brazilian porn, and they're far less-obnoxious sounding than their JAV counterparts.

JAV Brazilian-Japanese stars, on the other hand…dunno.

12 years ago

But when should get the 11.0??

I saw that RAITA exits Chapter 1 year … nin believe T__T