Honey Dip [English, 181 pictures, Complete, fully Uncensored, and re-edited], by Kon-Kit

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 16 comments

Let us enjoy ! The other works by Kon-Kit are mostly disappointing, so it might be a last chance to really enjoy...

Quotation from a chapter: « In my cock’s name, I will annihilate you! »

And here it is, the COMPLETE and mostly highly enjoyable Honey Dip, by Kon-Kit, a volume full of original ideas and good sex !
Update : and now, thanks to Nemui, Futafan and Doppelganger, the manga is fully uncensored ! ^_^
I can’t say there are only great parts, there’s also a fair deal of hentai rape (and also a wrestling match with an octopus), but, overall, yes, it was great !

There are HILARIOUS ideas, like an angry snake god cursing a penis (with unfathomable circumstances), or the most creative way of cheating during exams ever, horny as hell RPG heroes, a sexy crotch gun (daddyyyyy~~~~~), or creative ninja techniques… :lol:
That also inspired me a bonus picture :)
My gratitude goes to Nemui, Afro Thunda, Sling, Masamune, Yoroshii, Nemui, Futafan, Doppelganger and Kusanyagi, thank you very much ! ^_^

New update : Doppelganger reedited the last 4 chapters ! To make yourself an idea, I suggest you compare THIS and THAT. (Or this and that).

I share MORE great stuff by Kon-Kit, cf. The list of his works!

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(124 MB, 181 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

Conclusion, better french-kiss BEFORE the blowjob. Get your sex straight, pervs ! :D

Black Knight =)

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12 years ago

well this too a while:P glad its done now though and uncensored too XD

12 years ago

I didn't know it was finally completed. Thanks for posting it up Oliver!

12 years ago

Hey, Oliver..
Can you get Honey Dip 2nd Love as well?
I really am thank you for this and even more if you can get the second one..

Seishiro Haga
Seishiro Haga
12 years ago

Hilariously arousing.

mexican giant
mexican giant
12 years ago

The last story was my favorite.

12 years ago

awesome kon-kit makes me feel better after the horrible experience of my portable hard drive dying after an incident with gravity…. it was 5 min away from retirement too. I have finally bought a second bigger hard drive and was about to back it up when it fell. well time to try to redownload years worth of stuff from here bless you Oliver for having everything and making my job so much easier.

12 years ago

woohoo thanks for the share Oliver :D

Monday is off to a good start :)

Alexandrine Library
Alexandrine Library
12 years ago

Kon-kit is creative, and that puts him in a special position among hentai mangakas. But the ctopuss story deserves a single adjective: ridiculous!

12 years ago

Outstanding, I finally get to find out what happens after that RPG skit in Honey Dip, thank you.

12 years ago

KON-KIT – Honey Dip 2nd Love already out, RAW manga: http://rapidgator.net/file/ac1365ee753f0597e80275

11 years ago

Hi, whats the password? It shows up when i download the file from "uploaded.net"

Oliver AKA The Admin
11 years ago
Reply to  milk

– i'm just passing by, no time to read the other comments, but yours is simple : rename the file to something shorter like h.zip and try again

11 years ago

lol xd

11 years ago

Kon-Kit’s art is so good that I will do something I don’t usually do and download this, read and fap to this but deleting the parts I didn’t like. Thank you Oliver for this share, Nemui, Futafan, Doppelganger, Nemui, Afro Thunda, Sling, Masamune, Yoroshii, and Kusanyagi.

11 years ago

yes now uncensored!

thanks again Oliver!!

Hulk Nogan
Hulk Nogan
10 years ago

Semen scented first kiss. Aaaaw shit son ><