To Love Ru Darkness hentai doujin [English] : Dojikko Education, by Maniac Street

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 17 comments
I can fap to this, definitely.

Oh. Fuck. YEAAAAAAAHHH ! :woot:

At last, here’s the BEST pair in To Love Ru, the two hottest girls of the whole series, Momo and Tearju ! :twisted:
The scenario doesn’t matter at all in the present case, the male hero is simply blessed with the chance to have a threesome with those two girls, and I call that having a wonderfully great time :D

A lots of thanks go to Cgrascal for that release :)

I also allowed myself to perform some retouching on the images (before / after), the scans were in dull colors, not grayscale but polluted with color nuances, they really didn’t do the drawings justice.

By Maniac Street, I also share Momoiro Passion, Momoiro Operation, Don’t Say Piggy (just average), and (better), Plug In Baby (cuuuuute !), and a pack of 3 other works

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(30 MB, 34 pictures, English)

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12 years ago

wrong the hottes int tlr is Ryoko Mikado the hot school doctor. sadly she hardly gets any time.
Tearju is a close second

12 years ago
Reply to  thatguy

Longer hair is sexier, Tearju still gets my vote.

12 years ago

Momo Belia Deviluke – seeking either to be one of the harem, or (possibly) the (a-hem) "power behind the penis".

Which will it be. Time will tell.

12 years ago
Reply to  MHM

We'll never know, given that the mangaka probably will keep this going for another 10-20 years, and by the time he's actually done with To-Love-Ru, most of us will have families (and cannot go near ecchi unless on the sly), too depressing lives to care, or dead.

12 years ago

ok. I'm searching few days now. Who can tell the name of manga or artist. It's femdom story about 2 boys playing strip poker with 2 girls inside train, losing and getting naked in front of others taking photos. links are welcome

Seishiro Haga
Seishiro Haga
12 years ago

Well, this is a first. Usually it's either Mikado or Yami.

12 years ago

sweet, an actual doujin, I always get tricked when oliver posts the actual manga instead lol

12 years ago

I love you in the most heterosexual way Oliver!! Love the retouches!

12 years ago

I'm usually biased against short haired girls but Momo's gets my auto-vote as the best girl in the series for the simple fact she WANTS the harem and is trying to make really happen.

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  Lien


12 years ago

@Oliver, the coupon code below the download link is expired. Could you renew it? (Assuming you have one of course)

12 years ago
Reply to  Sl-Gundam

I'll just leave this here: 7bjcwqo6tts1ar00ryp1gku8cwebwxj9

Edit This isn't a coupon, it's a Gold Key.

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  Sl-Gundam

Woops. Thanks for noticing :)

Since you're a great long-term quality hentai provider, if you want a stock of depositfiles premium keys, really, feel free to ask !

12 years ago

Thanks for the offer Oliver but i'd rather have you give them to the people who can't have premium accounts for some reason. They really need them with the amount of stuff HurpDurp and you are posting on your site ;)

12 years ago
Reply to  SL-Gundam

Well, I gave you one but it hasn't been used yet.

12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

Ah so thats why it did not work. I tried that one for the 10% discount but it gave an error "invalid code". My mistake

Afterwards i tried Olivers new code and that one dit work so i already bought another year with a 10% discount

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  SL-Gundam

(just passing by for the moment, not reading all the comments, I'll be back in some hours, it's just that i saw your comment in my default opened firefox tabs)

well, it's as you prefer SL-Gundam, but that's a pity, you're one of the persons to whom I would have been not just glad, but proud, to offer premium keys :)