Are You Satisfied Now [English, 210 pictures, Complete, Now Uncensored !], by Enomoto Heights

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 20 comments

My favorite chapter was the first, and you, guys ? :)

Sweet, a new manga by Enomoto Heights ! That means happy sex with mutual love, with loveable candid-but-not-so-candid female characters, and amusing setups (plus a random picture that made me crack a wiiiiide smile :lol:), and with cute happy endings ! :woot:
Every chapter is a single story, however I’ll mention the last chapter is a sequel to Yanagida-Kun To Mizuno-san :3

Update : and now, thanks to H9E, this manga is fully uncensored, thank you so much, H9E ! :D

Thanks a LOT, as always, to my dear Tadanohito, with his kind donators, bringing us smiles and good time :)
(Side note, the manga’s title made me think of THIS ^^)

By the same artist, I also share the great tsundere-based Yanagida-Kun To Mizuno-san volume 1 and volume 2, and also, under another pen name, the hilarious Bousou Shoujo.

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(95 MB, 210 pictures, English)

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12 years ago

Wow, the chapter right after the middle half colored story is less "defrosting the ice queen" as using a thermo neuclear device to melt a snowflake…

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  Rothide

Who wants to play the role of the snowflake, next time ? ;)

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  thatguy

And that's deliberate. I'll tolerate loli if it's "lost in the crowd", like the loli bits in Shining Musume of Pisu Hame, but not when this is the unique and single topic.

To my great sorrow, I chose not to include these in my Shiwasu shares.

12 years ago

Lawl, you raging fuckin' faggot.

12 years ago
Reply to  Willikers


12 years ago
Reply to  Willikers

you don't say that to Oliver you jerk! :(

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  PrinceHeir

Why are people offended that I dislike some of the things they love, and don't try to hide it ?

Tolerance doesn't forbid frankness. On the opposite, pretending I don't have a problem with loli would be hypocrisy.

But that's the way of the internet, somebody that's not close enough to you deserves to die, blah, blah, blah.

No worries guys, I don't care about stuff that ^^

And now, back to work, I shouldn't even browse hentairules during working hours, it's bad, lol.

12 years ago

oh well, it's good your open about your taste and not worry about hiding it :D

i don't mind loli though, as long as there's no gang rape or NTR it's all good.

and yeah be careful out there!!!!

someone might catch the owner of the largest hentai sharing site in Za Warudo :P

btw Oliver, i forgot to ask about something.

what kind of recommendations you can give me for any works?

Hori Hiroaki,AoiHitori, Inkey,Inomaru,Harumi Chihiro,Kisaragi Gunma,Azuma Tesshin,Udon-Ya,Distance,Fuuga,Pon Takahanada,Takumi Kobayashi

and many more i already read tons of works from these artists.

can you recommend me something that is different and amazing?

i want to experience a work like reading a work of Shunjou Shuusuke or Honna Wakou for the first time.

these works are till amazing, im just looking something different and a new experience :)

12 years ago

I remember Yanakida-kun and Mizuno-san! There's also a chapter in this collection that tells the origin story with the cow farmer scene in Yanagida/Mizuno volume one. Inter-relations! Cameos! Wheee!

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  lutefisk

Eeh ? I had forgotten there was a cow farmer scene in Y-k t M-s 1, I'm amazed there's another cross-reference ! O_o

12 years ago

Whoa, the random picture made me think a lot about Scott Pilgrim. You too?

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  Musso92

No idea who it is ^^

12 years ago

Ah, Mizuno-san (or Chika-san as she is called here and in the official English translations) is as cute and tsundere as ever, with those lovely big tsurime eyes of her. <3

Thanks for the share!

12 years ago

Enomoto Heights!!!!!!!

one of my favorites!!!!!!

Yanagida is godlike, i want more of this person :)

thanks again Oliver :)

12 years ago

"Footsteps on a Rainy Day" – when the girl smiles, on (I think) page 195, I see another challenger to Kasumi ("Smile Again" by Osuzu Akiomi) for "most beautiful smile in h-manga".


12 years ago
Reply to  MHM

… and the rest weren't bad either, but that one caught my attention immediately.

12 years ago

Outstanding drawings and very agreeable stories. Added to my favorite manga.

10 years ago

Added to translate, thx pals

Oliver AKA The Admin
10 years ago
Reply to  VarKatzas666

The more happy readers the better :)