Mishiro-san Hassurusu [English], by Oomori Harusame

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments
Tags: glasses
Sleeping pills are really overrated.

An aunt has a huge crush on her young man of a nephew, he’s the only man with whom she’s at ease, so she gives him sleeping pills and has sex with him, first to deflower herself, and the following time they meet, for pure pleasure.

The fun part – come on, this isn’t even a spoiler – is that she screwed up from the start, apparently, and the nephew was simply nice enough to respect her and play her game ^^

Of course, once the nephew discloses he’s wide awake from the start, things escalate and sex becomes even better. This was fun, and well drawn, with surprisingly (for this publication) low censorship :)
Thanks a lot to Harmonian and Vaako, from Team Vanilla, for this release ! This is Team Vanilla’s 500th release, congratulations ! :D

By the same artist? Argh, another time it?s complicated. There?s the Mousou Deguchi circle, but behind it, there are 2 mangakas, Unou and Oomori Harusame.
Pardon my lazy ass but I?m giving the links to the works of both of those mangakas ;)
And so, by the two artists making the Mousou Deguchi circle, Unou and Oomori Harusame, I also share Succubus No Rinjin (in 2 versions, grayscale, and full-colour), Chocolate Slaver, Fubuki-gumi Honjitsu Mo Ijou Nashi, Fujiyama-san To, Lustbreeders 1, Lustbreeders 2, A Strange Couple, Watashi No Oshigoto Toranaide, Kanako To Ojisan, Do You Need An Extension, More Than Siblings, Less Than Lovers and the uncensored version of Hiiro No Ano Musume Nya Te Ga Desenai.

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(17 MB, 17 pictures, English)

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12 years ago

What was with that last page? was it part of a different story?

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  guest

Take it as an attempt at making an original credit picture, I guess ^^

12 years ago

Liked it for all the reasons you cited, Oliver! It's nice when everybody gets what they want!

12 years ago

Ugh… that font…

12 years ago
Reply to  Ion

I think my eyes are bleeding…

Actually the font was so bad, I deleted the whole bloody thing.