Skin Tight [English], by Rai Shirogoma

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

Closets are sort of magical places full of pent up lust, it seems

While preparing to change into costumes, for halloween, a boy and girl who were not a couple (yet) have to hide in a closet to avoid being caught watching friends having sex. Of course, they’re two in a tight closet, stuck to each other, in underwear, they’re hot and watching hot sex, only one thing could follow :)
The drawings are quite amateurish and not very polished, true, however there’s a certain “refreshing”, uncomplicated happy feeling coming from this… If you “need” professional work, try something else, if you’re interested in the good mood or the freshness, try your chance ?

Well, I hope you may find it to your taste :) Thanks a lot to Red Vodka, Phantom Renegade and Almond, from the Team Vanilla and Trinity Translations teams :)

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12 years ago

I liked this one. It will be interesting to see more from this author.

12 years ago

With respect and apologies to A. Einstein:

E (Erotic Reaction) = SC (Spontaneous Combustion brought about by voyeuristic action) squared

The more you know ….. B)