Boku No Watashi No Shitai Koto (“What You And I Want To Do Together”) [English, 216 pictures], by Kima-Gray
SWEEET ! That’s undoubtedly the best h-manga I’ve seen in the last 3 months, I think :3
This manga contains EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD drawings, of hot teens (from petite to well endowed), in several various sexy (but not slutty) outfits, and all of them have great sex, most of the time with mutual love !
The scenarii never fly high (the greatest thrill would be the male part needing a pair of pages before realizing his love is mutually shared, wow), but the drawings, RHA LOVELY, they totally make up for it
My great thanks are for Raikoh from Doujin-Moe and the cool translators (Raikoh, how about you spew out names some day ? -_-) who worked on this brilliant release
This manga also includes some stories I shared in the past, at that time they were in magazine scans : “The Devoted Maid”, “Honest Love” and “She Is Beautiful”. Now they’re in tank quality, this is two times better !
UPDATE : and now, thanks to Vaizard, this wonderful hentai treat is FULLY DECENSORED, woot ! Thank you, Vaizard
I also share a recompressed version (half smaller, 88 MB only, instead of 170 MB).
Other bonus, I made a shameful bonus picture, in reaction to a “oh no, you wouldn’t dare to do that”
So, in short ? Just go for it, this is gold !!
By the same artist (called either Kima Gray or Wechselhaft), I also share Kashiwazaki-san’s Great Cosplay Plan, Love Letter From Hot Pants, Proper Exchange, Real Eyes + Secret Eyes and Last Quarter.
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(170 MB, 216 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
As of usual when ✔ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, ✔ it offers a significant gain, and ✔ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I recompressed the images.
There should be no loss of quality for the naked eye, only a loss in megabytes, from 170 MB to 88 MB.
Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
translated by: An-chan, LD, Biribiri
(but mostly by An-chan, for d-moe)
Nice picture, you won the censorship contest ^^
Many thanx Oliver.
I penis tip in between breasts shape your bonus pictures Oliver =D. Also, the backup galleries aren't working for me. Thank you and Raikoh for this share as well.
The backup galleries aren't working for me either.
This style looks really familiar but I don't recognize any of the artist's other works, so confused :S
just as a mention, none of the links on Love Letter from Hot Pants are working for me
just a headsup Oliver
Depositfiles downloadlinks cause some problems with my browser(chrome) since few days , would be awesome if it somehow gets sorted out . I dont want to always start up firefox to support you as you ask .
awesome site btw
Works fine for me on Chrome, the problem must be on your end.
Maybe you should try deleting your cookies and cache?
so sweet I'll get a diabetic
Truly worthy of the annual saccarhine award contest…
many pics in the galleries are broken
love the variety in this work
thanks again Oliver and crew ^^