Pack of 2 VERY FUNNY Evangelion hentai doujinshi: A Wild Fancy + Erection [English], by Tengu No Tsuzura

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 5 comments

I laughed super hard ^^ But, warning, my preview pic is called "the-only-worthy-ero-picture-of-the-two-volumes.jpg" ;)

Repacked here, are the two latest translated works by the great hentai manga Kuro Tengu, from Circle Tengu No Tsuzura (but since I’m lazy I usually just call the artist Tengu No Tsuzura.)
Frankly, ero-wise, we’re not above the thousand erojoules, Asuka does her best but this won’t fly high. However, the scenario, there’s just one word to summarize it accurately : « ROFL ! » :D

These two works are :
– A Wild Fancy (About a cock. A shroom. About Misato’s imagination. Why the fuck am I even trying to summarize.)
– Erection (Obama go home, here comes Genji Ikari.)

I strongly recommend these to all the former Evangelion fans, you should laugh your ass off ^^
This is super funny, hilarious, deliciously absurdly deranging :D A true Evangelion parody, that is to say :)
Credits, raging laughter bursts and thanks are for (when was this site last alive ?) and No4h, Phantom Renegade and Neko Arcueid Brunestud, from my dear Trinity Translations Team :)

My other works by the artist Kuro Tengu are Crazy Angel, Let’s Share It, The Towering Inferno, Tamagokake, Love Cask, 0606, Nerv’s Longest Day, Merry Box, Asuka Trial volumes 1 and 2, Wanna Try + Blue Leaf, and Yammy. And almost all of them are super funny, true to the true genuine doujinshi spirit!

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(69 MB, 83 pictures, English)

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Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

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12 years ago

I suddenly found an urge to register and vote for Gendo…at the expense of gaining jury duty.

12 years ago


can you please share 1 pack with this artist (Kuro Tengu) like you did like Kisaragi Gunma pack?

because I found his/her works is hilarious

thanks before

12 years ago
Reply to  Mumei

There aren't enough mangas to warrant that yet.

Oliver AKA The Admin
12 years ago
Reply to  HurpDurp

hear, hear !

12 years ago

Wow. I'm a little disappointed that Shinji didn't crush the Commander in Unit-01's hand when he had the chance (sorry, spoiler alert). As far as I'm concerned, seeing Gendo's head pop right off his body just like Kaworu from episode 24 would have been the best plot twist ever. Major comedic opportunity completely squandered. Still a fun read though.