Love Gome [English, 224 pictures], by Pon Takahanada

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By oliver_the_admin on 6 comments


Haaa, that sweet feeling when I read a Pon Takahanada manga ^^
There are sweet caring feelings, the girl and boy (it’s always around a young adults couple’s circumstances) have their own realistic and interesting characters (something more rare than I’d like to reckon), and the drawings (the girl is the “candid slutty” type, there is regrettably white hole censorshipo) are a pleasure to the eye :)

In Love Gome, to my delightful surprise, it was the GIRL who was doing all the work, the sexual advances, the best initiatives, she was also bringing the most unexpected out-of-character comic relief attitudes. On the other hand, the guy was, well, playing the “straight guy” figure if you’re familiar with Japanese humour (and if you already know Gintama, have a good time re-reading their best straight man chapter ^^;;). This was unexpected, and pleasant !

Thanks a LOT to the admin of CowsRKool, helped by Kevadu ! GO COWS !!

By Pon Takahanada, I also share Niizuma Osenaka Nagashimasu volumes 1-2 (356 pictures), An Angel’s Marshmallow Volume 1 (167 pictures) + Volume 2 (169 pictures) + Volume 3 (169 pictures), Ayatsure! Sisters (196 pictures), Okonomi No Mama! – As You Like It (197 pictures), Shujin Ni Wa Naisho (194 pictures), Pythagoras Bitch chapters 1-2, Blind Love Susume, Like A Rat, and a Japanese mega pack (Oneesan Hitorijime + Rabu gome + Bon Appetit Sakura + Maid In Japan + Maniac Parade + Pie Heaven).

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(108 MB, 224 pictures, English)

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12 years ago

bitshare links please :3

12 years ago
Reply to  nlzh

I guess someone liked me using Bitshare after all.

Also, the links for Volume 2 are in the comments here:… (If you wanna save yourself time, just copy and paste them, Oliver. Or you can download and reup them, I don't care… Or maybe even import. Some site's support that. I made it so that you can just upload it and use it yourself, it already has the normal stuff your things have.)

Oh, and chapter 18 just came out a couple of days ago.

12 years ago

Oh no, I'm going into vanilla diabetus heaven. If I don't snap out of it in 5 min… just bury me for I am in a better place.

12 years ago

This one was awesome, some nice vanilla and great drawings even with the censorship.
Thansk to Oliver and Durp for the shares and thanks as well to the team from CowsRKool for the share.

12 years ago

I loved the story so much I did not even bother trying to fap to it. I just read it on doujin-moe seconds ago (I have no idea how I missed it here). Glad to see it did get posted.
In terms of the story itself, I am really glad the cheating was fully resolved, and the female lead manages to be amusing and arousing at the same time. Nice share!

12 years ago
Reply to  Oddone2

You didn't fap to this? You big liar. =)