Evangelion hentai doujin [English] : Servant Asuka, by Studio Wallaby

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment
Haa, Asuka ~~~

I’ve read many Evangelion doujinshi in my life. Many. But only a handful of them featured something as improbable as what’s happening in Servant Asuka. Shinji is a rich guy living in a mansion, and Rei Ayanami and Asuka are part of his maids. Asuka is playing the tsundere but she fails to lead the game, this is instead Shinji, brimming with manly self-confidence, that dominates the following sex scene.
What did I just read O_o

Apart from that, well, if a teen maid and/or Asuka are likely to turn you on, here’s to hoping you’ll love the doujin, kindly brought to us by Imari and Nemesis from LWB ! ^^

By Studio Wallaby, I also share Mahou Shoujo Asuka (probably the best original Evangelion parody I know of), Hamerareta Erina-sama, Kimi To No Kiss, Charming Asuka, Trouble Musume Haruna & Ryouko, Onee-Chan Sensei Yojigenme 1-4 (154 pages long, and yet it is complete shit), To Love Rukko Momo & Nana (a jewel, that one), Submissive Heart 36, Ayanami Rei, Secret File 5 Next 5, Asuka No Toki and Ayanami No Toki.

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12 years ago

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