Hadaka No Kusuriyubi volume 3 [English, 218 pictures], + a one-zip repack of the volumes 1-2-3 [English, 657 pictures], by Tsuya Tsuya
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TsuyaTsuya writes some of the most “intellectual” mangas I know in the hentai scene. There’s always a strong theme, an axis around which the story is built, the manga exploring how adults can find their path when confronted to that “axis”, we see them painfully having to chose between freedom/happiness and duty/obligations… |
This time, the theme isn’t incest (as most of the time), this is what an adult woman should do of her time, of her body, and if she can make the difference between love and lust, and how she envisions her freedom.
Enjoy, that’s good stuff, not TsuyaTsuya’s best (sincerely, I thought that pseudo-nihilist ending was too easy to have value), but still good stuff
Graphically, well, you’d better be into hot MILFs and have nothing against magazine-type censorship… See for yourselves, me, I thought it was worth reading, oh yeah !
Credits are for Fated Circle, thank you very much
(MOAR! For MORE works by this artist, Cf the List of my TsuyaTsuya shares)
I share 2 zips. First : the newly translated volume 3. Second : the volumes 1-3 repacked together, the COMPLETE Hadaka No Kusuriyubi series.
The volume 3, newly translated
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(103 MB, 218 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
The volumes 1-2-3,
The COMPLETE series.
Main galleries : Volume 1 – Volume 2 – Volume 3
Backup galleries : Volume 1 – Volume 2 – Volume 3
Download the Free Hentai Repack in a Zip file
(275 MB, 657 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
Glad to see this finally finished by Fated Circle. While I don't like it as much as some of Tsuyatsuya's other works (Tatoeba Haha Ga most notibly) , it's still a pretty good story. Great stuff if you're a MILF fan such as myself.
The Rapidgator Volumes 1, 2, 3 Bundle Link only gives volume 3.
WTF did i just read!!!!???
Same story about a slut wife who come up with the same slutty reason to be a total slut….and you try to explain all this away by calling it "freedom/happiness". Stop trying to justify her being a slut.
and that's what is h-manga is all about ! so no problems on that part
woah.. got RL issue or somthing with girls? anyway!!! thx for the release keep it up! XD
Issues with girls?? No, not really. Issues with Fuckpigs?? fuckyes.
Actually I gotta take Dis077's side on this. OK, her husband has given up on her for a younger model, I get loneliness and maybe revenge… but THAT is all the slack I'll cut her. If she'd picked some random dude in a bar, i might have respected her more. But what does she do? She sleeps with daughter's fiance, and later on, damned near everybody else wearing pants. And she has no concern for consequences. She only pays the briefest of thoughts to 'What if he/she finds out?'. I feel bad that she was so slow in realizing her true calling was as a cumdump, but not so bad I am willing to overlook it, and credit it as some convoluted attempt to find herself after her family fell apart and/or moved on. She totally ditched any sense of family (she betrayed her daughter, and the fact that her daughter forgives her at the end is no excuse for her initial act), and any sense of propriety. I'm sure three volumes dedicated mostly to her pursuit of selfish hedonism made for entertaining reading to somebody. Just not to me.
…waitwat? I thought it ended at Vol 2. There’s a Vol THREE?!!
zip mirror 2 for all 3 volumes @ filehost allow max 100MB download
Damn, I was hoping for a more romantic ending to this series. I guess the writer saves the happy endings only for the incest stories huh? Not to mention the whole scene of her dissing her husband while being fucked, knowing he is just behind the door gave me a bad NTR taste to it. I mean no rage the husbands an A class asshole but still the whole thing became too bitter.
Lol, what a hoebag. Not only is she sleeping around(Which I understand, hubby is too), but she breaks up her daughters engagement, then leaves the guy, then fucks everything around. Yay, she is free, free to get ggonorrhea. I am suprised you liked this Oliver, this was about liberation, this was about putting ones own carnel desires over family.
I agree with widowchaser and KINFOFTHECLAP. As for TsuyaTsuya writing "intellectual" manga, well, I think he tried a little bit too hard with this one. This stuff isn't intelligent — it's pretentious.
I disagree with the others. All we see right now is Midori sleeping with her daughter's former lover and NTR-ing her husband, but what the others don't see is a woman betrayed by the lover she thought would be there for her no matter what. The trauma of an abortion isn't just like dropping a log in the bathroom, too. It's killing your own child, and it's never emotionally easy for a woman to do that.
What I read from volumes one to three was a story about how a person can break down into a sex-addict, of how years of painful torture (as the 'quiet' wife of a man who doesn't love you) can burst in a frenzy of casual and self-destructive sexual experience.
No, this story has its roots firmly planted in reality. Exaggerated, yes, but the basis for a woman becoming a sex-pot is all there.
Betrayed by her lover? Really? All I saw was a guy who wanted a short break from each other so they can figure out if their relationship is going somewhere. Within a week of taking a break she is banging someone else and aborting his child, which she didn't tell him about, which i'm not saying is wrong( ultimately it's her decission) but you can't hold it against the guy afterwards. Whatever, I liked the first 2 vol. so I'll chalk it up as "artistic difference with the writer."
Fuck he ruin the story.
for me, it was an intense reading because of the psychologic par. I think this is really interesting (and even more because we have different point of view of all the characters)
thank you oliver for the share, relly like it and thanks to fated circle for the translation
A cheating guy: Fuck yhea!! He has a harm!
A cheating woman: NOOO!! NTR!! Fucking slut!!!
ohh hentai fans, you so silly!
man, i agree with you to some point, but the thing here is, that the bitch destroyed a lot of people that she loves, and the worst thing is, she knows this and keeps doing it, if the daughter didn't catch her, her mind doesn't go nuts. she steals her fiance and later the other scumbag, that casually was the daughter lover, she suspected from the beginning that all was lust, but who does it care that you could destroy your family, to hell with the husband it's obvious that he deserves it, but why the daughter?. man, this is the second work of tsuya tsuya that i hate, and there is a 3º one that it's incomplete, but i can see that it will be crap too, damn.
seriously, the hell with the bitch?, with so many man, why the fiance and later the scumbag that helped to turn her daughter in a exhibisionist bitch in heat?. maybe it's not only lust, maybe she wanted to feel young stealing her daughter partners or maybe she has a resentment towards her daughter too. so much to rage to, i can't even think straight.
This was really the end of the entire series? Quite frankly, the last paragraph makes me wonder if that's true.
Either way, I oddly liked it. I got that "life goes on" and she moves forward with her life feeling from the ending.
Truth be told though, if this was the complete end then I would have liked to have seen more about the abortion. She goes through with it in a couple of pages and then practically no mention of the for the rest of the story?
Definitely a plot point that could've been brought up in vol.4…
I prefer the series ended on Vol2.
A mildly unhappy ending for everyone involved all-round. Except that 4 eyed a-hole who was stalking the mother on the train (…you know he was). I'm disappointed she turned into a hose bag because I sympathised with her for most of the trilogy. I actually expected this story not to end unhappily so it was really anti-climactic. Even seeing her daughter on the phone turned into lesbian trailer trash was kinda dumb (studying overseas my ass). I actually was looking forward to this when I saw it posted so I'm kinda bitter Tsuya Tsuya couldn't resist falling into old habits.
I have mix feeling for this, I can understand why she became a slut girl and even root for, screw her husband honestly. But it left me wrong since all the guys she had sex with have connection with her daughter just seem wrong.
Also, why does TsuyaTsuya felt it ok to have incest baby, but he had to abort this one?
you got an english name for this? Because the art is similar to several of tada's translated works that have similar names along the line of "29-35 something-something housewife"