Sugisaranu Hito [English], by Hisasi
UPDATE : This story now belongs to the Porno Switch tankoubon, 213 pages long, full of awesomesauce… Enjoy ! ^_^
But wait ! There’s more. Cf The list of Hisasi’s works on hentairules…
The naked back, The side boobs!
He really has a lot of guts, for blaming the girl for his lack of resolve. Lol
Thank you TV for the translation and Oliver for sharing it.
Yet another share that proves Oliver's advice is right, if you've got a thing for a girl just muster up the courage and tell her, that way you won't have this guy's problem.
Thanks for the share Oliver, and thanks to Gurumao and Afro Thunda for the manga.
"Yet another share that proves Oliver's advice is right, if you've got a thing for a girl just muster up the courage and tell her, that way you won't have this guy's problem."
Well, I can also respect the resolve of someone, who only wants her/his beloved to be happy (she/he has reasons to think that she/he will never be her/his soulmate). But that is not case here. He is just a coward who can't assume his own choices and acts. Yes, I feel sorry for Reiko's Sister. But I certainly feel no pity for this coward.
Too many warning flags for me here… this doesn't look like a healthy relationship, so this diminishes the reading enjoyment for me.
I don't know why, but I think Hisasi's style of drawing kinda looks like Yamabuki Kentaro's (Black Cat, To-Love-Ru, and To-Love-Ru Darkness artist) drawings
God, I need a woman like that. Too sexy.
I also found it refreshing that it reminded me of a reverse mind break/blackmail type of thing, where it's the girl who's trying to turn the man into a slave. She breaks them up, then femdoms him, then promises that there's going to be a next time lol. And the male has no backbone or common sense to say 'no'.