Agricultural Idol Bekko [English], by Mutsutake

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 11 comments


Bonus picture time ! ^^;;

Don’t worry, the heroine here is a REAL girl, not a half-human half-cow hentai creature, okay ? Simply, the girl is an idol targetting the “agriculture and countryside lovers” nice. Sadly, since she pathetically fails at this, he producer finds a better market approach : she’s got to become the agricultural porn idol. Success and sex follow. Credits are for The Tsuuyaku, thank you ! :)
Just a side note : the headphones of the girl… Supersonicow ? :D

And now, if you feel you need to cleanse your wrecked soul, I recommend you to read Gin No Saiji, a very refreshing manga by the artist who made Full Metal Alchemist, Arakawa Hiromu :)
Better hentai, and yet it’s the same artist, don’t miss Amami Dokoro, 249 pages long and with a less absurd story :D

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13 years ago

Funny stuff. Thanks for posting it.

Waka Waka
Waka Waka
13 years ago

Haha the way you put it, Oliver, is like half-breed creatures are obscene!
The only way I'd hate it is if it's an actual animal and straight bestiality (female beast).

13 years ago

"Mate with me just like 2 cows would do it!"

I was pretty sure that only 1 bull and 1 cow can mate, or are we talking about lesbian cows? Because that's new for me then :)

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  mten

Dominant cows will periodically "ride" dominated cows in order to "assert" who is the boss. It happens.

Seishiro Haga
Seishiro Haga
13 years ago

Why would a cow wearing a headphone again?

13 years ago

Mutsutake keeping girls' proportions constant throughout each panel? LE GASP!

Though seriously, this didn't have the WAFF that Amami Dokoro did. Instead of oddly charming, it was just so-so.

13 years ago

yay thanks for the share once again Oliver :P

13 years ago

"Don’t worry, the heroine here is a REAL girl, not a half-human half-cow hentai creature, okay ?"

Is it a bad sign that after reading that part of Oliver's description I was somewhat disappointed? ;)

Thanks to The Tsuuyaku for this one, and thanks Oliver for sharing it here.

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  Zathael


IGO - The Dreamer
IGO - The Dreamer
13 years ago

Nice! XD

13 years ago

Looking at those headphones, I'm guessing it was a custom-made job. When they sent the specs into the shop, the guy probably didn't even bat an eye. "Oh we get weirder requests than that," the owner would say. "One guy had me make headphones with mogwai ears. Part of some Gizmo fetish, I suppose."

Damn, I think I just had an idea for a reality show. Thanks for the upload.