Bakuman hentai doujin [English] : Aoman, by Fueta Kishi
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Aoki-san, the blonde female mangaka in Bakuman, is given ecchi tutoring to improve her ability to write shounen manga, since shounen mangas are mangas for boys. It perfectly makes sense. Oh, whatever. She likes it immensely, at last discovering the pleasures of flesh. The ending disappointed me a little bit (happy sex : OK, sure, but not going as far as that…), Fueta Kishi’s drawing the pussy lips too big, but I’ll let it slip, it was the first time I read a REALLY good AND arousing Aoki doujin, her face showed incredibly intense ecstasy |
Funny note : just by their sheer presence… the power of ero-mangakas is awesome ! (we could almost feel the dreams of an ero-mangaka embedded into a fictional character )
Thanks a lot to Blurk and Gurumao from Team Vanilla, and also to Afro Thunda !
For more goodness, Cf. The list of ALL Fueta Kishi’s works on Hentairules!
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Sorry, Oliver. Hated, no, despised the ending… It was a mind break/training story. I pass on the DL.
Nah, Almost it´s better that any NTR story (Like the Tachibana Story)
P.D. Please, Don´t stop posting any NTR story, maybe i hate that kind of mangas but in the end… it´s just another H-manga.
I don't think she was broken, she did all of her own will. Chosing to screw your life over isn't being mind broken, not necessarily…
Addition : WE feel betrayed because we know, from scanlations, she got happily married. But "her", as a fictional character, was jobless and left with open paths anyway…
It's sad, ugly, but not mindbreak, I think.
I don't want to make you change your mind, I just state my disagreement
IF she hadn't been exposed to the 'outside influence', it is possible she would have been able to lead a 'normal' life. The term 'training' is even used in the story. Training is what tool they usually lead to a mindbreak story with. And if you end up abnormal/fucked in the head, *I* think your mind is broken. My interpretation, I'll admit. But what looks voluntary choice from the outside can indeed be conditioned behavior. Conditioned behavior is mindbreak, like Brainwashing is mindbreak. At any rate, still no sale.
Somehow I kinda expected the ending… Well I could handle this much.
I recall skimming this one, looking at the comments I guess I better go deeper, thanks for the upload.
the deposit files link is broken :[
i think all links are broken… =(
sorry the upload link is active