Evangelion hentai doujin [English, Full Color, Uncensored] : Minna no Asuka Hon, by ReDrop
Asuka enjoys teasing a few classmates, giving a bit head, or masturbating in front of them, and the hornier she gets, the hornier they get. Good groupsex follows =)
Graphically, this is VERY good and in full color, Asuka is a total hottie, thank you SO much to Imari, Pagan and Red Vodka, from Little White Butterflies !
Update : and now, it is UNCENSORED, thanks to Belldandy100 !
(Fore more ReDrop, Cf. the list of his works on Hentairules!)
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no shinji? =(
I get where you're coming from but you're still missing the point
Yep, no shinji. Cool, eh ?
I enjoy how slutty ReDrop portrays Asuka and her curves are lustrous.
Please, no mirroring of my files until they are old and dead, thanks
that costume's pretty HOT! xD
Asuka is way curvier by ReDrop, which I like better.
tsundere should stay flat-chested, portraying asuka with those big ones looks like she's just another noname dumb whore like the other 80% hentai-girls =/
nonetheless it looks hot (even hotter with A-B cups)
lol the comments about no Shinji cracked me up, ehh why bother with him? as long as we have one the many girls from NGE in it, were good to go. tbh I prefer Ayanami Rei but Asuka is awesome in this one by ReDrop, she's quite slutty in this one and I dig it :D, this is a rare side we don't see to often from Asuka, so those guys should cherish this moment hahaha. and them where did those guys get those costumes from?…ehh wait i'm talking about otaku's here duhhh….hahahaha
thank you the colorful share Oliver…damn she looks good in that outfit…ahh yeah as i was saying thanks lol.
You're welcome ^^
If you really want to die, I also have a share with a muscular manly shinji, searching these terms, "muscular manly", should be the finishing blow
I get the feeling with more CGI and hentai artists competing for recognition, more giant color doujins are in the works. There will be a 200 page color revolution coming. Like graphic novels in US comics. Anyhow, thanks for the upload.
SO good