Siren [English, 180 pictures], by Kurono Masakado

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

Meh. Really : meh.

Meh. Facepalm. Eugh. The heroine is a real cutie (look at page 54 – my numbering -, YUM). But unfortunately she’s put on a cursed ring, that will randomly turn the men around her into sexual beasts only listening to their lower instincts. You can figure what’s happening next, I believe. It still takes her 70 pages before she starts loving it and asking for more. The rest of the manga is short stories, without even the pretence of a scenario there was before.
I say, it’s a pity, if only the girls were smiling and enjoying it, if both the male and female characters didn’t have totally “earnestly enraged” (page 150, for fuck’s sake) and fucked faces instead, up the manga would have been nice :(

But to each his own, I guess. This manga was commissioned by SL-Gundam from Saha, and it’s a BIG thing he’s doing, with his other commissions, so thank you very much nonetheless, man ! :)

By the same artist, I also share Junk S and Hard S. Same deal.


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13 years ago

The 1st story was dumb, but the girl (Sumire) has my best fetish – normal sized tits. Although the second bit Bird Cage, was kinda thought provoking, as it gives a different take on the "sold as sex slave" bit in hentai, even giving us the thoughts of the 'raper.' Heck, I would even read a sequel/backstory for it, hentai or not. Third was just silly, but goddamn dat hairstyle.

Seishiro Haga
Seishiro Haga
13 years ago

Kinda reminds me of Nagare Ippon.

13 years ago

this is delicious :D