Pack of 2 doujinshi from the Circle Gust [English, artists Gust-san and Harukaze Soyogu] : A-Naru and Honey Come Burnning 4+

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment

Haaa, Luna~~~

It’s funny that, with one day of difference, two doujinshi are published under the same name, and yet drawn by two different artists ^^ I’m talking about circle Gust, a circle made of two artists, Gust-San, and Harukaze Soyogu. For me, it looks weird, but it seems this system works well among japanese Mangakas, so why not :roll:
Gust-san is the archetypical image of the McHentai concept (I’m so glad I found this term, it really sums it up !) : always the same, excessive, industrial production without any individual types, and yet strangely you come back for more from times to times. This time, it’s an AnoHana doujin. Harukaze Soyogu, however, it’s old-school hentai drawings, in black and white, strong contrasts, more realistic bodies, less censorship.
All in all, A-Naru really bored me to death and left me flaccid, while Burnning got me solidly interested and thoroughly pleased :)

Credits and thanks are for Phantom Renegade, Anon, Neko Arcueid Brunestud, from Trinity Translations Team, Torn, from Little White Butterflies, and also Sushilicious and Super Shanko :)

(Remember to view The list of Circle Gust’s works on Hentairules)

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(22 MB, 46 pictures, English)

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13 years ago

Many thanx Oliver.