Hidden Dovey (“Kakushi-Dere”) [English, Uncensored version], by Hyocorou (AKA Hyoco Road)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 20 comments

I loved her snappy character ^^

A super hottie (small ass, arched back, big tits, ponytail) with a hell of a character (rude, snappy, aggressive, more tsun than dere), comes to the house of two brothers, the younger brother hopes to date her and introduces her to his elder brother.
At this point, I suppose everyone already pictures the ugly netorare story, right ?
Hey, come on, this is HYOCOROU, not Nagare Ippon ! :D

I can’t spoil you the story (it’s interesting), I’ll just say that nobody ends up butthurt.
I enjoyed a whole lot the strong character of the protagonists, the razor sharp dialogues, the caricatural faces on several occasions – and the fucking great sex ! :twisted:
This was released by Sling and Masamune, long live those two fantastic hentai bringers ! :D

UPDATE : and now it’s UNCENSORED, thank you SO much, H9E !

For MORE, cf. The list of Hyocorou’s shares on Hentairules

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(10 MB, 23 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
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A personal note : final sex scene, page 21. The girl is putting her clothes back on, we see her pulling upwards her panties around her butt, and she’s already put her shirt on. I guess it’s a fetish of mine, but that picture of her half-naked almost made my eyes pop out of their orbits, I found it even way hotter than the rest of the manga, even though the manga was already excellent :shock:

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13 years ago

This post really save my day. I just checked out some hentai that is really messed up… NTR and mind break stuff that really leave a bad taste in the mouth. Thank you.

13 years ago
Reply to  threetwo

I hope it is not the one that i just read which left a really bad aftertaste on me

It was Called [REC] by erect touch

13 years ago
Reply to  crapshit

Yeah, It is that one. Even thought I have read like a hunread NTR since I started watching and reading hentai. Sometime there are story that are just so fuck up for me. =/

13 years ago

Nice one, not the best artist ever but it's good for starters.

I'd kill for a new (translated or not) Drill Jiru doujin, though!

Let's hope you have a surprise for Xmas! ;P

13 years ago

Hah, I really liked this one. At first I didn't know what to think of it, but about five, maybe six pages before the end I suddenly understood just what the hell was going on… and what a dumbass that older brother was, haha. I really liked him, he had a delinquent vibe around him without acting like an actual jackass. I thought he was rather sympathetic, actually. And the younger brother… I am not sure if he really knew what was going to happen or if he just did what the girl asked him to do (I reckon this was all her plan), but that made his behaviour all the more funny. Naivety runs in the family, it seems. Lastly, the girl… hey, come on, a whole lot of tsuntsun and a little bit of deredere – what is not to like? Oh, and I agree, the panty shot was really hot, but not as hot as her arching her body and gripping that pillow. I love it when girls do that.

Long story short: it's been a while since a h-manga brought such a big grin to my face. Thanks for the share, Oliver!

13 years ago
Reply to  Harco

I didn't notice the pillow clutch the first time. That was truly an epic pose, and I'm ashamed that I missed it the first time.

13 years ago

This…is so weird. I mean, it's good, but I can't help but wonder the little brother's angle. Is he so dense and Osaka-esque cloudcuckoolander that he doesn't understand his actions? Is he being ordered around by the the girl? Or is he a fucking magnificent bastard like Rommel? I don't get it.

13 years ago
Reply to  ???

imo its more like the girl used the lil bro just so she can get closer to the big bro. Plus the lil bro looks like a weakling and a dense pushover so no worries there. Too bad though coz hes wearing an akuma shirt :(

13 years ago

I wouldn't necessarily call him a pushover. More a cloudcuckoolander who just kind of lives off in his own little world.

13 years ago
Reply to  ???

lol I learned a new word. Now I can use it in essays and reports :D

13 years ago

This art is absolutely to my liking – it's stunning, and the story is so sweet, esp the ending. My thanks to Oliver, SIing and Masamune. I agree with ya Oliver, the profile view of the girl pulling up her panties, blushing and retorting hit the bullseye for me. IMO that girl has just the right degree of tsun and dere. Prideful but not too arrogant, delicate but not frail, and not too resistant. As for the big brother's personality, Harco nailed it. Big thanks to Oliver and all who made this share possible^_^

13 years ago

Almost Neta… almost… but sweet.

13 years ago

Seems like the little brother is trying to set them up but doesn't actually understand the concept very well

13 years ago

translated by: Sling

IGO - The Dreamer
IGO - The Dreamer
13 years ago

I really like this one. Thanks Oli, bro! o/

13 years ago

"You're the one who's moving your hips now!"

I snickered, nice take on our favorite hentai script.

Stalker Fairy
Stalker Fairy
13 years ago

I think the thing that irks me the most about this story is…if you're dating the girl, why hide it? Unless it's hinting at the younger brother having feeling for the girl and the brother doesnt want to break his heart or something.

That reaction the younger brother had when the older brother asked if the girl was his girl is common in most anime and manga when a guy want to deny their feeling for the girl. That and the line "she's not my GF yet"

13 years ago
Reply to  Stalker Fairy

I think the younger brother liked her too, but then again, who wouldn't want to go out with a girl like that? It doesn't have to mean he has feelings for her. And even if he had… well, I can understand why the older brother wouldn't want to hurt him, even though he really seems to like the girl in the end (and she was in love with him – the older brother – from the start). Maybe he just wants to wait for his younger brother's feelings to diminish before he informs him about their relationship.

Another possibility is that the older brother was kind of… ashamed… of his relationship with the girl, because he didn't like her at first, made that quite clear to his younger brother and even implied he should go for it. If he really has developed feelings for her and wants her for himself… well, I can understand why it would make him feel uncomfortable if the younger brother knew of their relationship. The kid obviously looks up to him and maybe he thinks that his reputation as the older brother – the though guy – would suffer if the kid found out he fell that easily for a girl, you know?

Third possibility: the kid is, like '???' said, a cloudcuckoolander, didn't know what to say when his older brother asked him (in front of the girl no less) if she was his girlfriend and he just blurted out that it was "not yet" the case.

IGO - The Dreamer
IGO - The Dreamer
13 years ago

Here we go again! >__>

13 years ago

The preview pic and the description have sold me.

Thanks for the upload.