Every Day Is Wonderful [English], by Tuna Empire

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 11 comments
Tags: comedy
I had a huge WHAT THE FUUUUUCK feeling from this one

Okay, there’s still this “hey, it’s bizarre, right ?!?” note as in all Tuna Empire works. But this time, it’s the exhilarating type, first you read, then you yell “WHAT THE FOOOOOK !??”, and then you fap you give up and just enjoy your reading :)

I *could* summarize it to you, but, hey, when it’s a pleasure to have a surprise, do you want it explained beforehand ? ;) Go for it ^^
(Please, if you know who to credit for this release….)

(Remember to view the list of the works by Tuna Empire on hentairules)

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Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(8 MB, 18 pictures, English)

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Quote of death, I also had a “hurray, my mom’s brain exploded !” feeling (you know, that feeling you’ve fallen through a dimensional hole into a different universe and you’re just starting to realize it, that it’s not your own universe and this place is obviously ruled by different laws), as in the memorable Yomeiro Choice
« – Please, go “spurt spurt” inside Hitomi’s pussy ~
– Huh !?
– But if I do that…
– Don’t worry ! <3 Hitomi’s already three months pregnant anyway from being gang-raped in class.
– I see ! All right ! ♫

I also wonder, in your opinion, is this story an endless loop, or just the same business every day ?

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13 years ago

Hey Oliver!!

Did he ever finished his "Something ISland" story?? The last time I checked it was like in Volume 2, real interesting but extremely wtf stuff.

13 years ago

um i think island is done here http://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=58690
sorry if outside link is not allowed first time posting comment

13 years ago
Reply to  travis

Thanks for the link. It took a time to find the info, but thanks!

If that's correct, then it's finished. I should check that out, then :D

13 years ago

Thanks for the share Oliver, my favourite one was the transfer student bit haha, how lucky…to not catch a STD that way lololol.

13 years ago

THX a lot to everyone involved in translating, and to Oliver for sharing. I love this piece :)

13 years ago

Many thanx Oliver.

13 years ago

I would have enjoyed it more without the “three-month pregnant ’cause of the gangrape” off-handed remark…Really, was there any need to throw that in? Buzzkill.

The Dog
The Dog
13 years ago

After read I curious that all girls in this chapter appear in his old work, Anyone feel like me?

13 years ago

….what the hell? What was that, every otaku's dream world?

Oliver AKA The Admin
13 years ago
Reply to  Andate

Not if this is a time loop, something that I suspect…

12 years ago

Great thanks to Oliver and translaters as always!!
i'm also inclined to check out your reccomendations, in Yomeiro Choice.