Evangelion hentai doujin [English, Full Color, Awesome] : Asuka Route, by ReDrop
Asuka cosplays in front of Shinji, she gets aroused from arousing him, and after exposing herself in a half-naked doggystyle position (at this point, I was already unable to say anything except *aaaaaaaaaaargl*), sex begins, wonderfully drawn, very intense and fulfilling.
Oh my god.
A billion, a zillion thanks to Pagan, Imari, Wtfwowlog and Altereggo from Little White Butterflies ! You guys ROCK HARD !
(Fore more ReDrop, Cf. the list of ALL his works on Hentairules!)
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(12 MB, 16 pictures, English)
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Another colored one, by Redrop /droool.
Asuka in that Tifa costume…..*ouch* think I sprained something
Asuka, eh? I wonder if ReDrop will make the one where is Shinji with Rei.
Redrop = I Must Download!!!
I can believe the art diference between the first work with the lasts…
Misato in a Sailor Moon Costume, eh? I see what you did there Redrop.
No, no, no, everyone. It was Asuka dressed up as Kurisu (-tina). THAT was the awesomest thing in this. Tifa cosplay was close, though.
Agreed my brother, i broke a bone to that outfit.