Pack of 3 Love Plus hentai doujinshi [English] : NTR Manaka, Nene and Rinko PLus, by Alice No Takarabako
OK, you saw that picture ? I guess you got the main idea now Alice No Takarabako, also known as Damn Lazy Ass Disrespecting His Readers, found a funny trick : the same story and the exact same drawings, with just nanoscopic dialogue variations, and different drawings for the face and the breasts.
Story wise, one sentence will sum it all : « Wow ! Cheating on my boyfriend is the best ! ». Love it, hate it, it’s up to you – you know my opinion on the matter, I guess. Graphically, there’s bits of ahegao (not too forceful, and the woman isn’t mindbroken, it’s technically happy sex).
For more, see the list of Alice No Takarabako’s works on Hentairules…
Update : almost forgot, thanks anyway to Cgrascal and Anonymous Scanner.
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Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(50 MB, 67 pictures, English)
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Update 2 : I regret to have to write this update. Look, cf again my definition, netorare (NTR) isn’t simply cheating on someone. There is extremely happy cheating without netorare (like my beloved Ai Sugimoto practices a dozen times per day…), there is adultery without any worrysome consequences because the husband will never know. And, on the other side, there is cheating that takes the form of betrayal, cheating that damn fucking hurts – THIS is netorare.
OK ? You’re warned enough, now ? Good.
Yes, is very viper… reminds me Yuki Seto.
Honestly dislike, because no exist many differences between the girls, is almost the same bed (and maybe the same boy, not the calling boy ) and the same theme.
Even though the artist was lazy, I would still like to give credit to One of a Kind Productions for the translation.
I did…
if you put the green one in the middle its one cover
hurried reply : haha, didn’t see that, thanks !
I was fine with the first one I saw, then I saw the others. And then I saw that it was duplications, and then I went "No thanks, do not want anymore"
That defines Copy Pasta very well.
Yikes, that's not NTR, calling this NTR would be doing this a favor, those women are just sluts in the purest form of the word. What the hell? I felt sick reading this… I'll go read SnO works to wash the bad taste out of my mouth…
On the contrary, this is PRECISELY the meaning of NTR, betrayal that hurts !
Fair enough. I just stumbled upon this explanantion of it on hongfire:…
So this would be type A. I can take type B and C but the complete disdain/evil showed here was just too much for me :S…
Don't ntr but I think we should thank the people who translated aleast their making money.We all know he didn't try but could have change it up a bit.Can you really feel rage they don't show none of the boyfriends.Pardon my language all I see is hoes if they cheated on my I would just cheat on them …fail on his part.
I know this is NTR but for me..This is nothing compare to Yuzuki or sanbun
For me, life is too short for NTR or rage stories. Why go to bed angry when you can have things like Rico's drawings floating in your head as you drift off to dreams?<3…
Because vanilla just doesn't appeal to sadism…
What? Stop looking at me
So this ain't about open relationship?
The copy paste is lame….
Well… I kinda liked it. Yes, I usually hate NTR too, but for this case, I didn't care much. Maybe that's because it's not an original doujin. In Love Plus (the game) you don't have a face, or a name which used in h-doujins, so in alice's doujins I didn't have someone in mind to refer to the "boyfriend" visually other than the player itself, in this case myself. And although I'm an otaku, I'm not otaku enough to cry for Nene's betrayal toward me. LOL
So, yeah, I kinda liked it 
**or a name which can be used in h-doujins.
@misosoup87: I assume you are talking about that certain series of Yuzuki’s? Most of the artists other works aren’t NTR.
yuzuki what? tell me tha name to search for his works cause i like NTR type
Yuzuki'N Dash
Search for Another World
I don´t like NTR but this one… I don´t know, it doesn´t feel like NTR, maybe because I don´t know anything about the boyfriend, what if he´s just a dickhead (just to speak)? and maybe he kinda deserves it… ¿who knows?, with zero background about the boyfriend I can´t sympathize with him.
OK, time to be frank : it was SO stupid and SO lame, partly because of the "same drawings except faces and tits" trick, that I couldn't even feel some kind of potential realism in this doujin. You know the temporary suspension of disbelief idea, with that one, it reached a never seen before low.
Actually before you bash the artist to hell some person made a good point in the ehentai site about these, yes it's copy paste content but probably the author's point was that people coming to comiket event where these were sold would just pick his faforite heroine instead of buying all of them, kinda makes sense no?
The art is ugly and setup isn’t hot enough.
ok, if you know the game, you will see that this is ntr