Uncensored version of Yanagida-kun To Mizuno-san volume 1 [English, 242 pictures], by Enomoto Heights

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 10 comments

Undiluted tsundere essence, and it's for Valentine's day ! :D

Excellent news, High Nine Eleven has entirely decensored Yanagida-kun To Mizuno-san ! :twisted:

That means 242 pages of undiluted tsundere essence coming to you as fast as your bandwidth allows it ;)

Graphically, if you love the sight of a sweet teen having quality uncensored sex, you’ve come to the right place, I might have wished for a bit more detailed drawings, but this is still extremely GOOD and well-drawn. The heroine is violent, unpredictable, snaps very fast, but she’s also super cute on the inside, sometimes her inner tenderness is revealed… Tsundere, I told you, with tons of happy sex with deep mutual affection, lots of humour, an interesting scenario, I love it ^_^
I owe a googolplex (*) of thanks to Cannibal, Shadow and Cyatomorrow, the late Hentai-Enishi team, and H9E of course :)

I also share the first 4 chapters of the volume 2 of Yanagida-kun To Mizuno-san and, by the same author under another pen name, the hilarious Bousou Shoujo :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(138 MB, 242 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3 – or – Zip Mirror #4

If you love the Tsundere style, I’ve got 3 recommendations : Tsundero, Cheerism and Maid Bride. If you haven’t read them, you know what to do next :twisted:

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14 years ago

So if I rape the girl I like, she will fall in love with me? Is that the moral I am supposed to take from this?

Strange One
Strange One
14 years ago
Reply to  Hark'smark

Sure! So long as you live in the hentai world anyway.
Since you're reading this, I sincerely doubt that you live there. Oh well, you'll just have to figure out how to make them love you the old fashioned way.

It's hentai, dude. There isn't a moral. It's just there to get your rocks off.

14 years ago

*Smacks his head against the wall*

Why didn't I think of that?! :o You know, I've read this manga quite a few times now, but I thought it was just a random chain of events. But yeah, she already had feelings for him, as made clear in the last few bonus pages! (Thanks to Morphin, too, for pointing that out a few comments earlier.)

Maybe some elements of the story are just that subtle, maybe I'm just that retarded; either way it's funny how one can still discover new details about the story in a year-old manga. :D

14 years ago

It's been removed O.O pwetty pwease tell me when it gets reuploaded, if it does xD

13 years ago

oh my god thank you oliver!!!!!!

13 years ago

thank you soooo much! awesome h-manga! really nice

12 years ago

I got seamen in my captcha…. Hilarious.

14 years ago

Many thanx Oliver.