BIG pack with ALL the 14 Monhan No Ero Hon volumes [English, 741 pictures], by Udon-Ya
(“My semen, to be precise“, hu hu hu, I always laugh at this moment ^^)
I love immensely the hentai works by Udon-Ya, like Maid Bride, but I also have an immense respect for the artist’s Monhan No Ero Hon serie, there is not only excellent hardcore sex, there is also such a great care for details, for costumes, for so many little things… And it was stunning to see how much the artist’s talent has improved from “just” good to “fucking awesome”
So, in short :
I made a repack or ALL the English volumes, today as I write it
Zip Link #1 – or – Zip Link #2 – or – Zip Link #3
(594 MB, 741 pictures, English)
With 639 pictures, I had to split the pictures gallery in two.
Pictures Gallery #1 – and – Pictures Gallery #2
For more goodness by Udon-Ya (also drawing as Kizuki Aruchu), because there IS more,
please refer to The Updated List of Udon-Ya’s Works on HentaiRules !
Ah nevermind, I'm an idiot. I was looking for the usual box and when I didn't see it I assumed that you forgot it somehow.
I DID forget to insert the links, you know ^^
I posted a linkless post, saw it, edited asap, and saved the updated version. You were unlucky enough to see at first the linkless version !
Check again, that should be good now ^^
just to mention, some of the Monhan No Ero Hon special pages are nice drawn too.
But unfortunate they weren't in the package.c('-'C)
I demand a link
unfortunate nobody has found them yet,
so nobody can translate something which they think "don't exist".
I am always happy to see some Naruga-X
okay, maybe im just play stupid but i still cant get the download link for your repack…
however the redirections links for each volume work just fine.
might be a problem on my side…
edit: looks like they dont work on the main page but they work for example on the comments-page…
Errr, excuse me, but I didn't understand, can you rephrase it in another way perhaps ? o_O
There was one bug I forgot to fix, the internal URLs (inside hentairules) were, in my html code, as " ../ ", meaning that ../2010/08/post-url was pointing to on the main page, but
(current URL)/2010/08/post-url on the internal page, something that would not work of course. I fixed it with a small delay. You might have been faced to that bug precisely ?
AMAZING! Thank you, Oliver, as always ^^
Superb share as always! Truly a feast for the eyes.
– Is there however a convenient way to resize all images in a specified folder?
My screen is some 1024 x —– And some of these pictures (at least the ones in volume 9 a.f.a.i.k.) have dimensions >2000 x —– .
Im used to scrolling up/down, but left/right seems to bother me endlessly
Many, many thanks, Oliver.
Awesome! Thanks!
I absolutely adore Monster hunter!!! Thank you, Merci, Arigato ,Spasibo!
Ahhhhh, hentai and monster hunter, two of my favorite things!
Many many thanks Oliver!
Now,I'm off to rap–uhh hunt–uhhh read! Yeah, that's what i….
My dreams come true!!! Many thanks!!!.
A uncensored version for all and was perfect… but for now is a great released.
Holy shit! 0.o Thanks, Oliver.
awesome i hope that udon make more volume of this
thanks oliver
I absolutly love this. Warrior girls are hot and the more valkyrish or norse they look the hotter they are. Really one of my favorite styles. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Yeah! more monster hunter goodies i think i miss 2 of them and is right, there are some miss, maybe they are outside work's or omake´s and i´think the number 4 was another, anyway thank's for sharing it Oliver!!.
thanks before for the great share. i just finished download it. it's a long and painfull one because of my bad conection (2-14 kbps), and sometimes it disconected (at 98%). but it finished at last. but it just me or the volume 9 is doubled? sory if there is a mistake, my english pretty bad.
Great package!! Thanks a lot!
seems to work as zip on fS
TY -loading
Yup. This will do.
I have to agree, Oliver – this was a kickass repack. ^__^
The address is big-pack-with-all-the-9… and the title is big pack with ALL….
I think you should fix it, thank you.
Many thanx Oliver.
It looks like you have the links mixed up.
Date on this page is Sept 26, **2010**. Is this the old 1-13 of Monhan No Ero or has it been updated with the recent changes such as the NEW volume 13 and unc 12 posted on 9/13/2012?
Updated :o
Oliver, your picture gallery doesn't have 14 in it.
What ? Oops.
Ah, OK, I uploaded it to the year 2011, not 2012, the new version -_-
Also, thanks for replying to the troll in the SNO page. I’m kinda tired lately, and I didn’t care responding personally to him.
Crap, though, there are DOZENS (multiple dozens) of blogs doing totally worse things, removing credits, enlarging the files for nothing, never giving credits, not giving descriptions, not issuing warnings when contents may be shocking to some audiences, whose admins never bothered to decensor anything, never commissioned any full manga (neither a single chapter), and I’m the one being hated ?
How many big commissioners with desudesu went to him after I explained to them, in lenghts, how commissioning worked ? I’ve sent countless times my “ready to give” list of commissioners, with explanations, their website, email and recommendations. How many total newbies to hentai would have NEVER stayed around and loved hentai without “evangelization” efforts towards the unaware visitors, that practically nobody else bothers to do ? They think a newcomer to hentai will understand e-hentai and love it out of the blue, even I, knowing it for years, still avoid the site as much as I can despite the certainly exhaustive contents.
And so, yeah, when it takes me from one hour to 90 minutes everyday, and I pay upfront all my server and maintenance fees, I’m expecting to cover every cost and get some gratification and beer money added, I’m not a student with spare time anymore.
C'mon, get happy:…
Man, don't do that during working hours and I'm just taking a short break, I almost came
I found chapter 9 uncensored if you want to include it in your big pack
Here it is:
let me know if its not a good idea to post that link in the comments and would rather have email. I find these from time to time.
7,8,10,11,13 Uncensored version already uploaded a week ago. Just a small info for you Oliver
Can you please reupload depositfiles.. Sorry for the trouble..
Pls Fix the depositedfile link TIA