Pack of 12 hentai works by the artist AXZ [English, 430 pictures]

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 16 comments
Hentai packs make life easier :)

I wanted to share that one yesterday, but just after I had finished preparing it (save the description you can read in this post), my monitor decided to die and allow me to make a 11-hours-of-sleep night (I had forgotten how BORING life can be without a computer, in a house in which everybody but you sleeps early, in which you have no new book to read because of bad luck, and no TV because you don’t want to destroy the intellect of your kids ^^;;).

So, there you are, with a 430-pictures pack made of everything I could find in English by the artist AXZ. This is in large majority consensual heterosexual sex, with one futa book and one rape book. For the rest, well, see if you liked the graphics, it’s almost scenario-free :)

The complete list of the works : Angel’s Back (Higurashi, Guilty Gear, King Of Fighters, School Rumble, Tsukihime), Angel’s Stroke 06 (Code Geass), Angel’s Stroke 09 (Dragonaut), Angel’s Stroke 15 (ToHeart 2), Angel’s Stroke 17 (Sekirei), Angel’s Stroke 19 (Zero no Tsukaima), Angel’s Stroke 20 (Code Geass), Angel’s Stroke 25 (Maria†Holic), Angel’s Stroke 27 (Sekirei), Angel’s Stroke 38 (Evangelion), Angel’s Stroke 39 (Kämpfer), and Under Blue 11 (Fullmetal Alchemist).

By the same artist, I also share Hibiki Maniac (that would be Angel’s Stroke 40 – which is based on Amagami).
Update : and there’s now also another 6-works pack :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(106 MB, 430 pictures, English)

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14 years ago

Thanks Oliver. Look forward to reading all of these.

14 years ago

Many thanx Oliver.

14 years ago

You know, Oliver, a TV is not detrimental to the intellect any more than a computer is.
It all depends on how you use it.
Anyway, nice share.

14 years ago

lol, i have to agree with you on that. i grew up on tv and was always considered stupid by everyone because i never learned anything from watching it, including the educational channels. once i stopped watching tv for a month and got used to reading books and manga on the internet without ads i suddenly became smarter, not that i was learning anything its just that my mind wasn't filled with mind controlling ads to get me to remember a slogan to talk to my parents and get them to buy some kind of dish soap or channel lol.

anyways, thnx for the hentai pack!

13 years ago

well that's a good way to go when there's only crap on tv, but where i live there's a couple of educational channels for kids with no adds; personaly i hate adds (when i need something i go and get it, that's it) and just set the receptor to record the few shows i watch and just fast forward adds, later on when i watch the recordings

14 years ago

Haha, you guys are hating on the television, but I personally think it's a wonderful thing. I'm a foreigner and I learned all the English I know by watching tv and doing everything in English on the internet. I love it!

True story, also THANK YOU :D

that guy
that guy
14 years ago

apart from mythbusters, i found out there's nothing good on tv.
just stick to the internet and video games

14 years ago

Thanks for the good release.

Just wondering anyone know if more of those Angel's Stroke being translated anywhere as there are currently 44 of them and it disappointing to see only as far as I know 10 of them in English

14 years ago

Circle is AXZ, not artist

14 years ago

It would be nice if someone could name the futa and the rape book so I can delete those two.
Anyone out there willing to help someone who totally hates that kinda stuff?

13 years ago

Looking at the preview pics, I can always tell the artists who fap to their own work. I’m telling you this artist should buy stock in Lubiderm.

Thanks for the upload.

Alexandrine Library
Alexandrine Library
13 years ago

Just to inform: File Velocity didn't work to me.