Love Plus hentai doujin [English] : Let’s Do It, by Sumeragi Kohaku (using the LL Milk pen name)

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 10 comments
Love and porn always make a good mix, for me :)

Please trust my word, try reading this one :) As long as you like “vanilla” hentai, happy sex with love, this doujin is WONDERFUL ! :D

The scenario is very simple, for her boyfriend’s birthday, a Love Plus heroine, Rinko, poses for him in bikini, and sex follows. Graphically, it reminds me – in better – the style of Digital Lover.
The greatness of this doujin comes from the very cute (even not during sex !) face and expressions of the heroine, from the expression of mutual love, and from a hundred little details that made my day… I really, really hope you too you’ll LOVE that one !

Thanks a lot to Carstairs !

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(12 MB, 26 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3 – or – Zip Mirror #4

As I found it, this doujin was named “”, even if I have no idea what “Shiyouyo” might mean. I share the info here, with hopes to boost my google-fu help the people curious about small details.
UPDATE : a kind visitor called Yuuwaku explained, in a comment, that Shiyouyo is the japanese title of the manga. Shiyou is the volitional form of the verb suru, to do, and yo is a particle that adds emphasis, more or less like an exclamation point, which gives us “Let’s do it!” in Japanese.

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14 years ago

Apparently a guy in Japan actually married a character from this game according to the Wikipedia link.

I guess they mean this guy:

14 years ago

Seems the filesonic link is broken because its giving me a "bad gateway" when i clicked download at the end.

14 years ago

Many thanx Oliver.

14 years ago

i found this doujin a few days ago and is was amzed :)
its so cute i cant even find words, thank u for sharing.

14 years ago

Boss… would u check some series made by an artist named 'Konkit'
and if it is by chance suits your taste… could u??

14 years ago

Thx Oliver! oh and whats up w/ your ads? they seem to be redirecting the page…gets annoying sometimes. :\.
Rinko ftw!

14 years ago

Shiyouyo is the japanese title of the manga. Shiyou is the volitional form of the verb suru, to do, and yo is a particle that adds emphasis, more or less like an exclamation point, which gives us “Let’s do it!” in Japanese :) I’m not sure if you were actually looking for an answer but if you were, there you go.

14 years ago

Not a problem. If I notice any other Japanese questions that I can answer I’ll certainly try. Feel free to ask away. You can email me too if you like, but I probably don’t have the time to do full translations.