Full Metal Alchemist hentai doujin [English] : Ed X Win volume 2, by Toko-Ya (a team made of the two artists Heizo and En Kito)
If, like me, you’ve been a fan of the Full Metal Alchemist manga for ages, then the picture above is a gift from me to you, to commemorate the brilliant ending of this long and highly enjoyable serie I’m not talking about the anime, I’m talking about the “real” one, the manga, that has just ended. This picture precisely is the only thing that was missing from the final chapter 108 ^^
So. Just like Ed X Win volume 1, this is a simple love and sex scene between Ed and Winry. Sorry to disappoint you, but Winry isn’t raped, gangbanged, blackmailed, dismembered, no tentacles approach her, and Ed doesn’t reveal he was growing a 50-centimenters thick bionic penis. If you still think you might enjoy the doujin, go for it, it’s full of tenderness and of happy sex, with a VERY pleasant initial humorous note Many thanks to Raze and Nikon from Unlimited Fap Works !
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(16 MB, 43 pictures, English)
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Just a remark, I changed a bit the too pale cover. I wanted Winry’s wonderful blue eyes to shine more
Perfect timing I just finnish reading chapter 108 about 20 minutes ago.
thanks for posting this Oliver.
yes. i thought the story of this dougin to be pretty good.
As a longtime reader, gamer, writer, film watcher, etc., I can safely call Fullmetal Alchemist (manga) the greatest fantasy story I have ever had the privilege of experiencing in any medium, save the Lord of the Rings. Rock it.
Oh, and this manga was great, right down to the end joke.
Ed becomes a toad!
Okay, that’s a lie-I won’t give away the DRAMATIC AND THRILLING CONCLUSION!
OMG! The final chapter makes my life feel like a new happy and peaceful will come. Like the proposal the most, very scientist and romantic.
Thanks for the doujinshi, though!
Many thanks to Nikon and Raze for the translation, and thanks Oliver for sharing. Now that I know the FMA manga is finished, I may have to actually read it someday.
Just thought I'd post a reminder that the second anime(the one that does it right) will also soon come to an end, as it is only 2-3 eps behind the manga.
Years of reading FMA and all we get in the end was a hug. LOL.
It's about time something like this came out. Thanks to Nikon, Raze, and Oliver.
uh, i thought those two characters were cousins? cousin' lovin'?
It would have been nice if something like this did happen at the end of FMA. XD