Kannagi Hentai Doujin [English] : The End Of The Century Is Coming, by Hellabuna Giant Comics (with home-made picture adjustments)

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 3 comments
It's always better with a correct levels correction :)

I got this release yesterday, so, thanks a lot to RaikenTB of Nicchi Scans and Conan :)

However, to say it bluntly, I found the picture quality was horrible (was it printed on toilet paper coming from the comiket, something like that ?), so I allowed myself a huge adjustement, cf this (resized) before – after comparison.
And the doujin ? Well, it’s a short, so, no scenario, simply it’s kannagi hentai, fap’n’go, enjoy, etcetera, all that ;)

(Remember to view the list of ALL Hellabuna’ works on Hentairules)

 english hentai

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(1 MB, 9 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3 – or – Zip Mirror #4

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14 years ago

Many thanx Oliver. Your version of the manga is much much better.

14 years ago

I think this may have been a copy-bon (I think that is the word for it). Basically, a copy-bon is a book that the artist prints himself by taking his drawings and literally using a photocopy machine to print the pages, and then they are stapled together by hand. Usually of very poor quality and produced in limited numbers. Because of their rarity, they end up being highly desired by collectors.

Thanks a lot to RaikenTB of Nicchi Scans and Conan for the original version, and thanks Oliver for your work to clean these images up and share a much better looking version here.