Uncensored and Full-Color version of Tiger Dance And Dragon [English], a To Love Ru hentai doujin by Hellabuna Giant Comics

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 10 comments
Hellabuna rules ^_^

Somewhere on Earth, there are guys like that, who could go out, have fun, enjoy life (or even have sex, who knows), but instead they prefer to spend hours colorizing and decensoring hentai works… That’s not nothing, so, thank you VERY much to Zellgadis ! :)

A summary ? Sure : To Love Ru. Hellabuna. Uncensored. Download it. :twisted:
If the colors aren’t exactly to your taste (OK, I reckon it, the eyes and green tones for the male parts were weird), the black and white version is on that page (I shared it exactly one year ago, lol ^^;;).

(Remember to view the list of ALL Hellabuna’ works on Hentairules)


Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(6 MB, 32 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

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14 years ago

:O ive been searching for this one :O thnx for uploading :P

14 years ago

wow you make it sound like i spend all day every day just doing this, but i only work on this stuff on the side like for two hours a night. Now I feel kinda bad now about making these :( [so people didn't like some of the colors i used?] well I was using about 48 colors for "Syoku-Gan" and i only used 24 for "Tiger Dance and Dragon" just ment less layers and time for each page.

14 years ago
Reply to  zellgadiss

First of all, thank you very much for coloring this. Second, Oliver's comment about how long you spent on it was probably meant to be a joke. A rather lame one though. ;)

As for the coloring itself, I think it is fine. Thanks again zellgadiss for your work on this, and thanks to Oliver for sharing it here.

14 years ago

Heh. Zellgadis. Heh. Slayers reference. Yay.

14 years ago

Many thanx Oliver.

14 years ago

another "tight" masterpiece by hellabuna gigant comics, thanx to Zellgadiss for the work and Oliver 4 the share