Shining Musume volume 6 chapter 1 [English, awesome, 52 pictures], by Shiwasu No Okina

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 28 comments

Shiwasu No Okina ABSOLUTELY rules ! o_O

Watch out, here comes the BEST manga EVER made by Shiwasu No Okina, in terms of drawing and harcore quality :twisted: (Scenario-wise, my preference still goes to Sei So Tsui Dan Sha) – At last, my dear Desu² finally sent me the first chapter I had commissioned :)

So, how to summarize it without being too laudative ? A massive scale orgy with very little scenario for the moment. Full happy sex mode, unlike the previous volumes in a “hentai rape” mood ! Mostly uncensored, wonderful, superbly hardcore drawings, featuring several girls in several penetration combos… Rha, just download it and enjoy the fuckfest ! :twisted:

(For MUCH more stuff, cf. The list of all Shiwasu No Okina’s Works !
This list contains ALL the other COMPLETE Shining Musume volumes)

Good news! This volume is now completely translated!
Get the full thing right here!



And now, for the future, since I’m not loaded with paypal money – required for commissions  ! I’ve paid this one with my bonus money from the ads shown on this blog -, I’d like to openly ask you guys, would YOU be interested in sponsoring the translation of other chapters of this volume ?

That’s simple : you want to commission a chapter, you send me an email to volunteer, and I give you the instructions :) I won’t be receiving the money myself, I’ll explain you how to directly send it to the translator.
As soon as Desu² tells me the price for the next chapter, I’ll update this part with more details.


:?: It’s done now! Get the whole thing right here!

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I hope these instructions are explanatory enough

Here is the code, paste it without spaces before or after :

(1 month, you bloody better remember to thank me if you’re the winner :D)

Congrats, blackinmind! At least you weren’t not first for something!

Be fast ! And don’t cry if someone else activated the key before you ;)

In case you’re hyper lucky : don’t activate this key IF you already have an active golden account, it seems it won’t cumulate. Selfishness is bad :|

And, you know, I have grown used to receiving a “thank you” from the person who benefitted from the key, don’t break the trend if you’re the winner ! :razz: Gratitude is the fuel powering me, don’t forget that.

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15 years ago


What's it gonna take to speed up the translation process? Money? Because I know I would be willing to donate a few bucks to a paypal account set up to get this legendary manga finally completely translated. Think about it…

15 years ago

first, and thank you for the key.

15 years ago

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO just bloody damn 4 minut i been watching out for a key like a geek iam

15 years ago
Reply to  hawk

g.hentai help me, since new stuff gets posted there first and then a few minutes later on the poster blogs.

15 years ago

by the way Oliver AKA The Admin
i just made a account on intensedebate will my email be shown or can anyone see it ?

15 years ago

thanks for the upload

15 years ago

i already read the jap version and yes, the drawings in this volume are AMAZING.
too bad i dont have money to commission a chapter =/

15 years ago

i already read the jap version and yes, the drawings in this volume are AMAZING.
too bad i dont have money to commission a chapter =/

15 years ago

Thanks for the post Oliver. Oh and in answer to your message on twitter, I have no idea how I ended up following you LOL. I think it must be something twitter suggested when I made the account, possibly based on linked accounts to blogs/email addresses. Thats just a guess though! I will look into it for you ;)

15 years ago

Ah yes, it looks like it was a suggestion based on the windows live enabled email address I used to set up twitter. I think at some point in the past I added you as a contact on my mail account (I mailed you about a potential virus in one of the banner ads if i recall). When I was setting up Twitter it must have checked my mail's contacts list for people who have twitter accounts based on the email addresses it finds. I have a few people followed that could only have been found from my email contacts list in this way.

15 years ago

Thanks for another chapter of Shining Musume, it's always nice to read more shiwasu no okina. Btw, just saw another worl of Takeda Hiromitsu got translated (there is a god!) by a new translator named aceonetwo. His blog can be found here:

and the file can be downloaded here:

15 years ago
Reply to  Nightscream

Oliver since you are a bit of a Saint of the hentai community you should check out AC124's site and welcome him to the hentai community. Teach all new people how to be good hentai citizens like you!

15 years ago

If this was already a splendid night, this manga just gets it at superb level night. I was waiting for this since you mention in the last Okina release, Shining Musume Volume 5, that you were going to commision it. I'm not gonna help commision it because I'm without PayPal funds just now, maybe eBay makes my day and gives me a great surprise ^_^

15 years ago

Thanks Oli for another magnificent Shining Musume release.

15 years ago

I've only ever read the 1st volume of Shining Musume and I've waited since then for the series to be fully translated. And although I don't want it to end any time soon I'm dying to have the complete collection ^_^

15 years ago

Many thanx Oliver for this awesome post.

15 years ago


15 years ago

Many, many, many thanx Oliver! One could never have enough manga drawn by the king himself, Shiwasu No Okina. Although I must admit: sometimes I have a hard time understanding what's going on in the chapters. There are just so many girls! Not that you hear me complain when they all join for a massive orgy of course… ;D

15 years ago

hey oliver

you were already sharing this as Shining Musume Act 16

15 years ago

Thank you Oliver and Desu² for this! I like many SM fanatics have loved the drawings but have always been curious to know what the dialog is in English (other than the expected 'AHHH!!''s and 'OOHHH!''s you would expect from a hentai), so being able to fully appreciate the scenarios is hugely appreciated.

I do hope the rest of the volume is commissioned too. Without giving too much away for those who haven't seen it already and are waiting for an English translation:

There's another chapter dedicated to the orgy you see here (hallelujah!) but not before Aya Batsuura gets involved in a huge gangbang. You thought Aibon being triple penetrated was enough? That's nothing when you see how many guys Aya can please at once! *drool*

15 years ago

Oliver, I don't feel it's ethical to make money off of someone else's work. It's one thing to freely distribute information and ideas for that sake alone; another to profit.

I do hope you are not using any money you gain for personal reasons, and it is all going into translation and giving back to the community. It takes people a lot of time, money, and passion, not to mention risk for them to bring these works of art to us via illegal scanning.

That said, thank you.