Super Black Jack hentai doujin [English] : Seven Force, by Hellabuna Giant Comics

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 10 comments
Wow, one of the best Hellabuna works !

<– I could have chosen a much more hardcore or more arousing preview picture, but I liked that one a lot, it is very rare for me to wish to be able to interact with a picture,…

For instance to tear that bothersome string with my teeth :twisted:

With a lot of thanks to Kletian, here is one of the BEST works I’ve seen by Hellabuna :)

Look at that : no hentai rape, no forced sex, no humiliation ! The scenario is fun, with a permanent humour stream going on all through the story (please, read the dialogues :D ), and, despite a scan that would have needed a big levels correction (I tried, but it’s out of my league to do it right), the drawings are also among Hellabuna’s best, with a first half being horribly teasing, and a second part made of good-old groupsex with happy vaginal and even happier anal action :)

(For more stuff, Cf. the list of ALL Hellabuna’s works on Hentairules)

english hentai

Just a remark : actually, behind the “Super Black Jack” label and the zillion figurines you’ll find with that name, there is… a pachinko game !

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(28 MB, 50 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 

A final bonus :3

free gift ! ;)

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Lil t
Lil t
15 years ago

yummy bonus xD

15 years ago

Fucking amazing. Thanks a *lot* for this one, Oliver.

15 years ago

Fucking amazing. Thanks a *lot* for this one, Oliver.

15 years ago

Many thanx Oliver. I like Hellabuna graphics style, but usually it's forced sex that is not my taste. So this is a nice surprise.
Thanx again.

15 years ago

i have another post of hellabuna's hentai doujin of super black jack.check this out…

15 years ago

You must have good and strong teeth.

15 years ago

so thats part 3 part 1&2 are already animated (u share them here oliver)

why aren't part 1&2 translated earlier

15 years ago

so thats part 3 part 1&2 are already animated (u share them here oliver)

why aren't part 1&2 translated earlier

jk lol
jk lol
15 years ago

nice one