Sexualism [English, 207 pictures], by Tara Sunakawa

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 8 comments
rough but satisfying sex é_è

After The Prized Masochist, before Honey Room, here is another complete english hentai manga commissioned by SL-Gundam, once again, my thanks to you, man, I’m really grateful, and I hope other people will be too :)

To be frank, while the drawings are correct (and very hardcore, with anal, double penetration, vibrators, added to more usual oral, titfuck and vaginal sex), the themes were really so-so. There are two “happy sex” chapters (one about incest, an other about sex that has been paid for, but with a kind girl), and the rest, sadly, is forced sex ending with the girl loving it and asking for more… or even worse, not liking it till the very end, brutalized and that shit. I hate the “cum dump” theme ¬_¬
I thought hard and decided to still share the manga (it’s complete, it’s well translated, it contains bits I like), but you’ve been warned è_é

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(70 MB, 207 pictures, English)

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15 years ago

Can’t really blame the amounts of rape in Japan. Has been a part of their society forever. Samurai, Imperial Troops, and the average guy today.

15 years ago

Well the drawing style looks really good. Thanks for sharing with us ^_^

15 years ago

Well, at least 2 good chapters to cut out and trash the rest. “cum-dump” thame, its sooo lame! Thx anyway.

15 years ago

nothing like a good forced sex to kick start the day, thanks

15 years ago

Thanks to both Oliver and SL Gundam for the share.

15 years ago

I actually like those kinds of brutal sick mangas…

15 years ago

Agreed.. not to much a fan of the happy sex, unless its “Lost in the sheer pleasure of ecstasy sex”. Nothing hotter than a woman getting off or a good rape.

15 years ago

it’s not really whether it’s happy/not happy

i just find that rape usually has more “action”. as long as the girl isn’t getting beaten or the like, rape is usually far more “visually stimulating” than happy sex. i find lots of happy sex mangas are just the girl lying down with a cute face (more ecchi than hot, really)

and when you have a girl being turned on to the point of self designating herself as a cum dump, that’s hot. the pleasure in the scene is way higher than the average hentai scene

i’m not sure if it’s the right term for it, but “passion”? i think the rape mangos have more “passion”