Uncensored version of Cheerism [English, 226 pictures], by Ed
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Xami strikes again, very hard, with the complete UNCENSORED version of Cheerism, an AWESOME hentai manga, very hardcore and extremely fun to read, thanks a lot ! I have rarely seen a manga so loaded with hilarious comedy dialogues and unexpected events, I kept on bursting laughing |
The drawings, as for them, are very good too. Everybody’s smiling, girls have huge tits (and are titfuck goddesses), boys are thin and nice to girls, and this time this is entirely uncensored
There are lots of great things I could comment. For instance extreme tsundere girls, a moving romance chapter with an even greater wet shirt, two blonde twin teen tsundere schoolgirls (*pop* *pop* – can you hear blood vessels exploding all around ?)… Just read it, OK ?
By Ed, I also share Transparent Underwear Under The Summer Clothes + Love Hate Summer, and Ami-Chan No Eroihon volumes 1 & 2
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(129 MB, 226 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative :
(links removed. Contact me if I forgot to fix them.)
Good job Xami, but not to brag, I can do better at decensoring. lol xD
Some of the spots need clone stamp or redraw not just levels/curves.
On a completely unrelated note, Google incest without safesearch on and in the images you’ll see that Hentairules pops right up.
Many thanx to everyone involved, this is absolutely an awesome manga.
Many thanx Oliver.
Hey Oliver what happened to cuteamateurteens? I can’t seem to open the website anymore
it just goes white,..
Hmm, all the file hosts do not work for me, mainly because my ISP uses proxy servers, causing me to share IP addresses with hundreds of other users. Where’s the usual uploading.com one? The only file host that has worked 100% of the time for me is mediafire…
Various replies :
– @ Rupty : don’t be an ass already
Even I with my poor talent for picture editing am releasing uncensorings of my own, and I’m not ashamed to know other people may or may not have made it better.
You might have been simply meaning to give improvement suggestions, but the tone didn’t sound allright
– @ Allen : LOL ^_____^
– @ Daga : the idiot behind cuteamateurteens (well, I’m saying it without being too agressive, he’s a friend after all) uploaded stuff of girls that were too young, or so it seems, because I received notice from my host.
So I removed his whole blog from my hosting account. The files and database are saved, when he finds a new host for himself he can reupload it himself. But I’m not hosting his blog anymore, now that has become HIS problem.
– @ Akanova : that sucks for you, but I’m sorry, I can’t help it :-/
Uploading.com has bad problems since two days for uploading zips, and large archives have become a hellish problem, I had to try several times, and Cheerism never made it to be wholly uploaded, sorry about that.
If I may give a suggestion : use a proxy ! Not any proxy : YOUR proxy. You find a proxy script (glype, phproxy, and on top of all because he’s the simplest and the most efficient, surrogafier), you upload it to a hosting account, and you’re done, you open the adress of the script, the script loads the contents for you, and for the contents you appear to have the IP of the server where your script is hosted. I really recommend surrogafier, this is ONE php file, you upload it to your hosting account, you open the adress or the surrogafier php file, and the rest goes by itself.
I will admit that this is not the best job I have pulled. But this manga is fairly long with a lot of things that needed decensoring xD
So I rushed it a small bit, Unless you zoom in to places you won’t notice most of the things
And actually I have used clonestamping and redrawing for almost all of this
Oh dear lord, awesome !
You should create a new tag: titfuck goddess, it would be my favourite tag
Hi Oliver, I’ve sent you 2 e-mails but they seem to be undelivered/ delivered to spam. So, my questions is (i have read the faq and so on and so forth) but i didn’t find my answer. So, if you had an access for premium acc (rs.com in my case), would you use it for uploading?
Hey, this looks good Oilver – am going to give it a try. Thanks !
Thanks at Xami (over 200 sites woot, i wouldn’t have the patience for that^^), Yqii, 4dawgz and to oliver too^^.
I really loved this manga, and as a fan of titfucks, I APPROVE!
I think the preview pic doesn't really do it justice though. Oh well, you win some you lose some
freaking amazing O_____O
It’s a big sucker, but folks are pimping the hell out of it, so I’ll look. Thanks for the upload.
link is dead =(