Pack of 2 hentai doujinshi by Cool Brain [English, 64 pictures] : Angel Pain 15 & Angel Pain 16, Gundam Seed Destiny and FF12 hentai doujinshi

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 8 comments
Makes you want to pay a role in this, huh ?

A mini-hentai pack for a change, with two works by Cool Brain, an artist with whom I have a complicated relation : I like a lot his drawings but most of the contents he draws are not to my taste (really forced sex or too young).
Fortunately, this isn’t the case for these two Angel Pain volumes :)

Those 2 volumes are anal-based, with two heroines thoroughly enjoying teasing and anal sex, openly loving it in the first case, with the help of an ugly fag in the second case : happy sex and hentai rape :o
As long as the themes don’t bother you, the drawings are really enjoyable :)

Erm, just in case, a precision, about the “ugly fag” mention, I don’t have anything against gay people, the insult simply perfectly fits this horrible face, feel free to suggest a more appropriate description for this parody of a male character ;)

Edit : for future use, here’s the info, I just found out that Cool Brain = Kitani Sai. Pen names, you know, that stuff.

By the same artist, under the Cool Brain and Kitani Sai pen names, I also share Ahhn Balance, a pack of 2 works (Shitsuraki Aroma + Sweet Pitfall), Sister In Register 1 (uncensored !), and Datensinon (uncensored!).

I share the two works in a single Zip file, and in a single pictures gallery. That’s easier for you and I’m saving 10 of my precious minutes ;)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Download the Free Hentai Doujin in a Zip file
(19 MB, 64 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

lol ^^;;

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15 years ago

Could you just precise what Gundam it is? ’cause it still the biggest anime saga in terms of number of series so it’s not really relevant to just say “Gundam” (and as I can see in the gallery, it’s Gundam SEED Destiny)

15 years ago

Yep it’s a Gundam SEED Destiny doujin and the other is also Final Fantasy XII (Princess Ashe), not XI.

15 years ago

Many thanx Oliver.

15 years ago

Woot! Seed Destiny!
Maybe I should be like Ehud and just say:
Many thanx Oliver.

..To everything. haha!

15 years ago

Yeah, huge Gundam fan myself … But I think all that needs saying is, ‘Thanks Oliver’ ^^

15 years ago

Oliver -> Don’t worry, I’m not a Gundam fan myself, I was pointing that for those who really are ones. I’ve just seen SEED, Wing (GIVE ME BACK MY TIME!), 4 épisodes of SEED Destiny and 2 films, which doesn’t even represent 5% of all the saga. ^^”

And yes, there are indeed several better things to do with ones sparetime… Randomly: fapping? ;)

15 years ago

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnyyy! i like this pic!^^